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1. Make an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher

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1 1. Make an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher
What do I do if I am concerned about my child’s learning, behaviour, or social and emotional wellbeing? 1. Make an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher 2. The teacher will give you a picture of how your child presents in school and will discuss possible next steps. 3. Your child may be part of any intervention group to support their needs. 4. Following interventions a meeting involving parents and/or the child will be arranged to assess the impact of the strategies. 5. If your child has responded and shown progress then no further action will be taken

2 10. If the assessment request is granted, the assessment process begins and is led by the local authority and an EHCP may be issued. If request is declined, more information may be gathered and request may be resubmitted. 9. If your child’s needs continue to be a significant concern a request for an Education, Health and Care Assessment will be made to Access and Response Team (ART) and to the local authority. 8. The cycle of assess, plan, do, review will continue to support your child’s needs. If progress made is significant, your child will no longer be on the SEN/D register. If little or no impact, a referral to external agencies for further support may be required. 7. If little or no impact, your child may be put on the SEN/D register and additional SEN/D support will be given where appropriate. 6. SENCO (Mrs Bond) will become involved and a graduated response Assess, Plan, Do, Review will begin in supporting your child’s needs (SEN Passport)

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