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GFR 1. Composition: Similar to plasma (no proteins no RBCs), less Ca++ and fatty acids (because partially bound w/proteins) 2. Glom. Capill. Membrane:

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Presentation on theme: "GFR 1. Composition: Similar to plasma (no proteins no RBCs), less Ca++ and fatty acids (because partially bound w/proteins) 2. Glom. Capill. Membrane:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GFR 1. Composition: Similar to plasma (no proteins no RBCs), less Ca++ and fatty acids (because partially bound w/proteins) 2. Glom. Capill. Membrane: 3 layers, endo, basement , and epith (podocyts) 500 x more filtration: a) small holes (fenestra) in endothelium b) Basement w/collagen and Proteoglycan (-) c) Slit - pores in podocytes (epithelium (-))



4 Filtration fraction (FF) = the fraction of the renal plasma flow that is filtered about 20% of plasma flow FF= GFR/Renal plasma flow

5 Filterability depends on size and charges
GFR = Kf x Net filtration pressure Kf: Filtration coefficient is a measure of the product of the hydraulic conductivity and surface area of glom capill. ml/min/mmHg Net filtration pressure = Glomerular hydrostatic pressure = Bowman's capsular pressure = Glomerular oncotic pressure = 10 mmHg



8 Kf: a measure of the product of the
hydraulic conductivity and surface area of glomerular capillaries Kf = GFR / Net filtration pressure Kf=125 /10 =12.5ml/min/mmHg Kf= 4.2ml/min/mmHg/100gm of kid Kf=0.01ml/min/mmHg/100gr in other tissues

9 Factors affect GFR 1. ^Glomerular capillary filtration coefficient ^ GFR . Chronic uncontrolled hypertension & DM decrease coefficient and GFR (increase the thickness of glomerular cap basement memb) 2. ^Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure decreases GFR stones

10 3. ^ Glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure decreases GFR:
28 to 36 average 32 mmHg and this pressure is determined by: a. Arterial plasma colloid osmotic pressure b. Fraction of plasma filtered (filter.Fraction)

11 4. ^Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure increases GFR :
this pressure is determined by: a. Arterial pressure b. Afferent arteriolar resistance c. Efferent arteriolar resistance this has biphasic effect: Moderate ^GFR Severe decreases GFR






17 Renal blood flow and GF Controled by
Renal blood flow: 1200 ml/min 21% C.O 1-2% in vasa recta O2 consumption by the kid mainly related to active Na reabsorption by renal tubules. 1. Sympathetic N.S : Strong activation decreases GFR and flow as hemorrhage and CNS ischemia Moderate activation : little effect (normal person)


19 RENAL BLOOD FLOW = RAP-RVP / Total renal vascular resistance


21 2. Hormonal and autacoid:
a. Norepinephrine , epinephrine, endothelin constrict renal blood vessels and decreases GFR b. Angiotensin II constricts efferent arterioles ^GFR - ^Na and H2O reabs. (not the afferent) c. Endothelial - Derived Nitric oxide decreases resistance and ^ GFR d. Prostaglendins, bradykinin cause vasodilators

22 3. Autoregulation of GFR and Renal blood flow :
Arterial pressure 75 - to 160 mmHg changes GFR very few% . 180 L/day if pressure ^ by 25% so GFR L/day. If reabsorption constant so urine 46.5 L/day. Autoregulation and ^ or adaptive changes in reabsorption will not cause significant increase in urine output (pr. Diuresis) or (pr. Natriuresis) .


24 Tubuloglomerular feedback:
1. Afferent arteriolar feedback mechanism 2. Efferent arteriolar feedback mechanism Juxtoglomerular complex: Macula densa cells ( prox distal tubule) Juxtaglomerular cells (in the wall of eff & aff arterioles) decrease [NaCl] stimulate macula densa : 1. Dilates afferent 2. Releases renin(from glom. Cells)ang. I-Ang. IIConstricts efferent .




28 4. Myogenic autoregulation :
When arterial pressure ^---) contracts vessels & prevent increase renal blood flow. 5. Other factors : A.^ Protein intake ^ blood flow and GFR^ a.a reabsorption w/Nadecreases Na autoreg by stimulate macula densa to dec aff art and so incr RBF & GFR B.^Blood glucose: same mechanism .



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