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How is a Cell like a City Cell Analogies.

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Presentation on theme: "How is a Cell like a City Cell Analogies."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is a Cell like a City Cell Analogies

2 1.2 organelle Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell.
A structure in a cell that is enclosed by a membrane and that performs a particular function. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell organelle cell wall chloroplast mitochondria KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

3 1.2 nucleus Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell.
The structure in a eukaryotic cell that contains the genetic material a cell needs to reproduce and function. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell organelle cell wall chloroplast mitochondria KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Video

4 1.2 cytoplasm Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell.
A thick, gelatin-like material contained within the cell membrane. Most of the work of the cell is carried out in the cytoplasm. It is the cell landscape found in any space Where organelles are not- much like the Lawns and parks of our city.

5 1.2 cell membrane Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell.
The outer boundary of the cytoplasm, a layer that controls what enters or leaves the cell; a protective covering enclosing an entire cell. Like a city border- regulating What comes in and out of the cell

6 1.2 cell wall Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell.
A protective outer covering that lies just outside the cell membrane of plant cells. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell organelle cell wall chloroplast mitochondria Video KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

7 1.2 mitochondria Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell.
Organelles that release energy by using oxygen to break down sugars. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell organelle cell wall chloroplast mitochondria Video KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

8 Ribosomes Carry out the manual labor in the form of protein synthesis (put together) for the nucleus Like a lumber yard

9 Endoplasmic Reticulum
There are 2 kinds- Rough ER and Smooth ER Stores, separates, and serves as cell's transport system

10 Golgi Apparatus Used for shipping goods created by
The ER and ribosome's to the rest of the cell Like a post office

11 Chloroplasts Only found in plant cells.
They use sunlight to create energy For the plant. The site of photosynthesis Like solar panels or solar energy plant

12 Mitochondria Power house of the cell Found in plant and animal cells
Site of cellular respiration Creates energy for the cell Like a power plant for a city

13 Lysosomes Digestive sacs that break down large molecules in the cell.
Like a waste disposal and recycling

14 Vacoules and vesicles They can hold many substances from organic molecules to simple excess water Like a water tower or garbage dump- a containment unit for anything excess

15 The End

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