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Themes and Motifs.

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Presentation on theme: "Themes and Motifs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Themes and Motifs

2 Theme Theme is the main idea, thought, or message the author presents to the reader, through the piece of literature.

3 The Theme may be profound, difficult to understand, intended to teach a lesson or moral. usually, readers have to figure out the theme of a specific work as they read it.

4 - What is the significance of what the author wrote?
Questions to think about when trying to come up with theTheme - What is the author trying to convey to me in this work? - What is the significance of what the author wrote?

5 Motif Motifs are reoccurring behaviors, thoughts, ideas, or objects
presented in a work. Examples: bravery, loyalty, blood … Motifs can be used to develop Theme.

6 Question to help determine Motif
Are there behaviors, thoughts, ideas, or objects that keep repeating? If so, it’s probably a MOTIF!

7 A Motif can be easily confused with Theme.
SO REMEMBER A motif is a smaller idea that we see repeat itself over and over. A theme is the big thought, main idea, or lesson being taught.

8 … and remember Motifs can be used to determine the Theme.

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