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CONTEXT ; what is going on?

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Presentation on theme: "CONTEXT ; what is going on?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CONTEXT ; what is going on?
Marine Litter study to support the establishment of an initial quantitative headline reduction target CONTEXT ; what is going on? Analysis of the baseline used by MS in the MSFD reports and proposed targets Analysis of the results of the public consultation GENERAL APPROACH ; can waste policy help? Contribution of waste scenarios to changes in marine litter SPECIFIC MEASURES ; can marine litter actions help? The potential of behaviour change with regard to marine litter Quantifying effects of anti-littering measures on marine litter PROPOSAL : Quantitative headline reduction target for marine litter EFFECTS ; economic, health, environment Benefits of reducing marine litter WAY FORWARD ; what can be done through existing tools Potential of proper or improved implementation of other EU legislation and policies Photo: Cornwall coast 2013 (Bert Gielen, ARCADIS)

2 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 1
Waste and other statistics e.g. waste generation, waste treatment, waste composition, demography, economics/consumption, decoupling … Mainly EUROSTAT Waste policy options BAU, full implemetation, simplicifation, municipal waste recycling targets, packaging recycling targets, landfill diversion, combination Impact Assessment study accompanying the proposal for reviewing the European waste management targets Benchmark year 2015 and target years 2020, 2025, 2030 What will be the effect of waste policy scenarios on generation and treatment of specific fractions, frequently occurring in marine litter?

3 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter
Modelling policy options leads to data on future: MSW (municipal solid waste) generation Industrial waste generation decoupling MSW recycling performance MSW plastics recycling performance MSW glass recycling performance MSW paper recycling performance MSW metal recycling performance MSW wood recycling performance Packaging waste recycling performance Plastics packaging waste recycling performance Glass packaging waste recycling performance Paper packaging waste recycling performance Steel packaging waste recycling performance Aluminium packaging waste recycling performance Wood packaging waste recycling performance Landfill reduction levels

4 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 2
Marine litter data 343 beach litter screenings Analysis on nature, materials, composition, sources Averages for each regional sea

5 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
We start in 2015 and assume 1000 marine litter items Marine litter data helps us to split up on origin

6 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
Based on growth and decoupling of waste, we assess the number of items in 2020

7 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
Industrial waste consists partly of packaging, partly of other items. In this option, the effect of increased recycling targets is set out for packaging Black: BAU Red: impact of the policy option

8 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
Marine litter of municipal origin is split up in different fractions (based on material) In this option, the effect of increased (packaging) recycling targets is set out for these fractions Black: BAU Red: impact of the policy option

9 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
Marine litter of municipal origin can also be split up in packaging and non packaging And further in different fractions (based on material) In this option, the effect of increased (packaging) recycling targets is set out for these fractions Black: BAU Red: impact of the policy option

10 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
Both assessment methods are overlapping Some measures work on all waste (eg single calculation) Others only on packaging MSW litter is partly composed of packaging We assess both and take the lowest outcome Green fields = final outcome

11 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter STEP 3
We compare the sum of all green fields with our original 1000 items in 2015. Scenario 3.2 higher packaging recycling targets leads to 837 items Marine litter reduction potential of 16,3%

12 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter

13 The effects of general waste policy shifts on marine litter
Rather modest effects of general waste management policy options on the number of Marine litter items

14 The effects of specific marine liter measures on marine litter

15 Quantitative headline reduction target for marine litter
“A -30% reduction of the number of items of the top ten litter categories found as coast litter in each regional sea, by 2020, compared with 2015, applying the beach litter protocol from the technical guidance documents and excluding fragmented or undefinable litter items with guidance document codes G75, G76, G134, G145, G158, G210” Both general and specific measures are needed Relatively easy to monitor Excluding ‘noise’ Adapted to the specificity of each regional sea

16 Benefits; economic, environment, health

17 Way forward 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 1,5 Where to tackle marine litter:
Packaging and packaging waste directive Waste framework directive Micro nano plastics in cosmetics Green public procurement and eco-labeling Water framework directive Port reception facilities directive MSFD Landfill directive Ship source pollution directive Urban wastewater treatment directive Eco-design directive ICZM recommendation Bathing water directive Way forward 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 Where to tackle marine litter: Scored on relevance and feasibility 1,5

18 Imagine, the result Mike Van Acoleyen,

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