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Research/Truman Novel

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1 Research/Truman Novel
Informative Essay Research/Truman Novel

2 Introduction Congratulations! You have finished reading a Truman Nominee for Now it is time for you to explore the non-fiction world by reading two well- written web articles, non-fiction books, and/or magazine articles. Once you have read your non-fiction texts, you will write a five paragraph informative essay.

3 The Task: Choose a topic related to the content of your award book.
Research this topic using the web or library. Identify, read, and document TWO well-written magazine articles, non-fiction books, and/or web articles. Take notes about the new things learned while you read. Write a five paragraph essay in which you make your connection to the text, share your findings from both sources, and site your sources. Use the checklist provided to check your writing before turning in your project.

4 The Process: Step One: Skim your book and make a list of topics that interest you and that have a strong connection to the book. (ex. Charlotte's Web - spiders, pigs, fairs, life cycles, predators, farm life, etc...) Step Two: Choose the topic that interests you the most and do a library or web search using the link provided. Step Three: Explore your search results and find two well-written magazine articles, non- fiction books, or web articles. (You may find it necessary to refine your search.) Step Four: Carefully and completely read each of your selected non-fiction article/book and highlight/take notes as you read. Be sure to document your sources and identify at least three things you have learned from each non-fiction reading. (If you do not learn anything new, find a more complex source.)

5 The Process: (continued…)
Step Five: Once you have completed your notes, compose a five paragraph essay. This informative essay must be typed and must address the following: Identify the book and briefly summarize its plot in your own words .Explain your research topic and its connection to the book. Identify and summarize each of the articles/books by sharing at least three new things you learned from your research. Remember to be informative!Second source (like as above)Conclude your essay by restating book information, topic and findings.

6 The Process: (continued…)
Step Six: Use the link below to correctly document your sources and paste these MLA citations at the end of your essay. Step Seven: Use the checklist provided to proofread your essay before turning your work in by the assigned due date.

7 Evaluation (checklist)
1) Did you put your name, class, and number at the top of your paper? 2) Did you use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation? These must be typed so please use the spell check and grammar check features. 3) Did you site your sources using MLA format? (Citation Machine) 4) Did you indent your paragraphs? Did your use correct paragraph structure to present all of the required information below?

8 Evaluation (checklist)
5) Did you identify the book you read and provide an original, condensed summary of the plot within your first paragraph? 6) Did you explain the connection between your Truman Nominee and your topic in your second paragraph? 7) Did you identify your sources and summarize your findings in your own words within the next two paragraphs? (At least three new things you learned for each reliable non-fiction source-One paragraph for each source) 8) Did you conclude your essay by restating your topic and summarizing your overall research findings?

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