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From professors Soto and Ottolenghi Rev. Prof. Pearson 02/26/2019

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1 From professors Soto and Ottolenghi Rev. Prof. Pearson 02/26/2019
Writing tips From professors Soto and Ottolenghi Rev. Prof. Pearson 02/26/2019

2 How to write an essay in HWK
Follow the directions in the assignment Answer the questions in the assignment Avoid “throat clearing” Analyze, don’t summarize Analyze, don’t say what you did or felt Relate the assignment to class concepts Edit till it hurts

3 Follow the directions in the assignment
1 To successfully complete this assignment, carefully re-read the McLuhan Playboy interview, the chapter from Understanding Media, and review the lectures on McLuhan and the critical perspective. Next, select either the medium is the message, or the global village, and determine if McLuhan used the critical perspective in his thinking. Specifically, does McLuhan:

4 Follow the directions in the assignment
To successfully complete this assignment, carefully re-read the McLuhan Playboy interview, the chapter from Understanding Media, and review the lectures on McLuhan and the critical perspective. Next, select either the medium is the message, or the global village, and determine if McLuhan used the critical perspective in his thinking. Specifically, does McLuhan: 2

5 Answer the questions in the assignment
3 1. Question commonly held assumptions? 2. Expand the bounds of debate? 3. Aim for the betterment of society?

6 Answer the questions in the assignment
4 Is McLuhan using the critical perspective? If so, explain how his thinking utilizes the above characteristics. If not, explain how his approach differs from the above.

7 Follow the directions in the assignment
5 Is McLuhan using the critical perspective? If so, explain how his thinking utilizes the above characteristics. If not, explain how his approach differs from the above.

8 Follow the directions in the assignment
Is McLuhan using the critical perspective? If so, explain how his thinking utilizes the above characteristics. If not, explain how his approach differs from the above. 6

9 What the assignment does not ask you to do:
Summarize McLuhan’s ideas of the medium is the message or global village. Explore McLuhan’s life and impact. Give your opinion on McLuhan’s ideas. Do both the medium is the message and global village. Ignore the critical perspective.

10 Avoid throat clearing Analyze, don’t summarize
“In the article, ‘Why Our Memory Fails Us’ by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons, targets the astrophysicist and host of the TV series ‘Cosmos’, Neil Degrasse Tyson after making a couple of comments regarding the words of former President George W. Bush.  Tyson made a few statements at a public speech quoting President Bush, though, he had no references.  Apparently, what Tyson claimed that Bush said; could not be found elsewhere except for Tyson's memory. “ 

11 Analyze, not say what you did or felt.
The first thing I tried to get out of the was watching more TV and it almost drove me crazy! All the commercials alone aggravated me to a point where I just couldn’t take it anymore. Honestly, having to use Facebook and Twitter every day was unpleasant because I have never liked those social media apps and I still believe that they just distract you from what really matters in life.

12 Relate the assignment to class concepts:
Rhetorical triangle: Ethos, logos and pathos McLuhan: The medium is the message Deresiewicz: Loneliness, celebrity, and the need to be connected The role of social media in activism Secrecy and revelation

13 Edit till it hurts

14 Organize your writing: new idea, new paragraph

15 Watch your spelling Typically I listen to country and rap music, however the switch was to Reggie.

16 Get to the point right away
People have their daily routine that they get so used to do it again, again, and again. It is practically what defines you as a person. As I always say “you are what you do every day”. Getting out of this routine may affect you in your daily performance just for the fact that you don’t feel comfortable with this change and you don’t feel like yourself. I am not saying that changing your habits from time to time is bad. Actually is very good for you to do this type of things. But the reason people don’t do this is because they are afraid of trying new thing that they are not used to do or fail in their new tasks. Because of this fear, life gets monotonous and people lose excitement of waking up every day knowing what their day is going to be like. I know this because I felt this feeling until I changed my routine even for just 48 hours. (Note: This is the second paragraph.)

17 Write short and focus your insight or analysis
Most of my media intake is heavily weighed, discussed and scrutinized amongst my group of friends, intricately dissecting every story until we can reach the final consensus that no one knows what they are talking about and most of today’s world news revolves around money in some way, shape or form. (51 words)

18 Omit Needless Words My mom was definitely trying to somehow penetrate the secret by constantly asking for the details of the doctor’s appointment. There were a few times where I was pretty close to telling my parents. I didn’t want my grandma to go through this alone just because she didn’t want to worry anybody. On the other side, this news would’ve really stressed my grandpa. I didn’t want my grandpa to be in distress or constantly concerned.

19 Omit Needless Words My mom was definitely trying to somehow penetrate the secret by constantly asking for the details of the doctor’s appointment. There were a few times where I was pretty close to telling my parents. I didn’t want my grandma to go through this alone just because she didn’t want to worry anybody. On the other side, this news would’ve really stressed my grandpa. I didn’t want my grandpa to be in distress or constantly concerned.


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