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Expert system Application within PLM in Support of DFX

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1 Expert system Application within PLM in Support of DFX
Product Lifecycle Management Expert system Application within PLM in Support of DFX Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

2 Innovation Center for Design and Technology ITESM campus MTY.
Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

3 People Involved ADVISORS PhD. Mileta M. Tomovic
W.C. Furnas Professor of Enterprise Excellence PURDUE University PhD. David A. Guerra Zubiaga Research Professor, PLM Lounge Director ITESM Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

4 People Involved STUDENTS Edgar F. Rios Soltero
Undergraduated Student (ITESM) Mechatronics Engineering Edgar D. Ramon Raygoza Graduated Student (ITESM) Ms. Manufacturing Systems Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

5 AGENDA Research abstract. Statement of the problem. Research Aim.
Research objectives. Research Scope. Research framework. PLM Definition. PLM Model. Expert System Design for X Teamcenter application (PDM system) CLIP application (Expert System) Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

6 Abstract This research is focused in how to capture the experience from the DFX process into a PLM environment in order to reuse that experience through an expert system and in this way to improve DFX process. In addition, an exploration about how PDM system can support DFX process is done. The research include PLM tools capture knowledge capabilities exploration as well as external Expert System softwares. PLM, DFX and Expert System theory and state of the art overview. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

7 Statement of the Problem
Nowadays is difficult provide the DFX’s designer with the information and knowledge related direct or indirectly with the product in each of its lifecycle stages. This is a big deal for the DFX’s designers due that they can not receive the appropriate information at the appropriate time. But also, they are not able to capture the expertise design which is creating daily in order to improve their DFX’s process. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

8 Research Aim A PLM framework development allowing different types of manufacturing knowledge capture and reuse. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

9 Objectives Explore and understand the PLM approach.
• Explore and understand the information and knowledge needed to support DFX’s. • Explore and understand expert systems as well as its construction principles. • Explore and understand the PDM concept as well as PDM software. • Design a methodology to provide at the designers with all the data, information and knowledge during DFX’s process. • Design a methodology to manage the knowledge and expertise creating daily by the designers. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

10 Research Scope Product Development is the PLM area which this research is focused in. A Methodology to manage the knowledge and DFX expertise through a PDM and Expert System will be done. This research also include an experiment taken from the PURDUE solar racing car project, that experiment consists of Teamcenter Community and Expert system integration approach in support of “Design for Assembly”. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

11 Research framework Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

12 PLM definition PLM is a business approach focused on the management of the product data, product process, product development technologies as well as people product related across the entire product lifecycle from its early conception to disposal, being the product data management (PDM) the most important issue of them. The mean goal of product Lifecycle Management is to enable the product control in order to improve the productivity and increase the revenues of the company as well as through its supply chain. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

13 Product Lifecycle Management Model (Raygoza, Edgar 2006)
Edgar Raygoza

14 Expert Systems Experts are the most expensive and limited resources for any company. In addition, they don’t below to the company and can leave it when they desire, taking all the expertise and knowledge in their minds with them. In answer to those problems, Expert systems attempt to substitute at the experts and mimic their problem-solving abilities. “Expert systems are intelligent computer programs that use knowledge (supplied by experts) and inference procedures to solve problems that are difficult enough to require significant human expert in a particular domain” (Turban 2005). Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

15 Design for X Design for X is a concept, which include a set of initiatives in order to reduce product’s cost and to improve product’s quality in its early design stage. Some examples are Design for Manufacturability, Design for Assembly, Design for Environment, Design for Sand Casting, Design for Powder Metal Processing, etc. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

16 Teamcenter Community Application (PDM System )
Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

17 Expert System CLIP Application (Expert System )
CLIP is a software that allow the creation of expert systems. The expert system that will be showed to continue was developed in order to help in the Design for Assembly issue. It allow to select the most economic assembly method with just two simple questions. Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

18 Thanks for your attention !!
Product Lifecycle Management Edgar Raygoza

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