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This is the main title slide of the presentation

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Presentation on theme: "This is the main title slide of the presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is the main title slide of the presentation

2 This is a typical level 1 slide with the headline in Rockwell 36 pt.
This is a bulleted list textbox using the font Franklin Gothic Book in 24 point as the primary typeface. Please take into account the room size you are presenting in Whenever possible, try to limit this slide to a maximum number of five bulleted items

3 This is the secondary title slide of the presentation

4 This is a typical level 2 slide with the headline in Rockwell 36 pt.
This is a general textbox with the font Franklin Gothic Book in 24 point used as the primary type-face. Please take into account the room size that you are presenting in. Whenever possible, try to limit each slide to about 10 to 12 lines of text in two or three paragraphs so that a photograph aligns with the text. Graphics may be added to this slide instead of a photograph.

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