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Presentation on theme: "YEAR 8 PARENTS’ INFORMATION EVENING"— Presentation transcript:

January 2019 Welcome

2 2019/22 OPTIONS First step in their 14 – 19 education or training.
Attitude, work ethic and motivation counts from the start. Students need to stay in education or training until they are 18. Their results at 16 will open or close doors.

The statutory courses we have to deliver. The style of qualifications for GCSE and non GCSE. The way all qualifications are assessed. The grades that the students will achieve.

4 CORE SUBJECTS English – Language and Literature GCSE
Mathematics - GCSE Combined Science –- GCSE Geography or History - GCSE ICT/RE/Music or MFL - GCSE RE PSHRE Relationship education Drugs, alcohol and safety Citizenship Finance, law and citizenship PE

5 GCSE QUALIFICATIONS All courses now will be externally assessed at the end of the course. There are no modules or opportunities to resit within the school year. Graded 9-1 instead of A*-G. Students have to resit English and Maths for as long as they are in Education.

6 GCSE subjects Art Business Studies Computer Science
DT Product Design/Textiles Geography History Music PE RE Sociology

7 NON GCSE SUBJECTS Art and Design Business and Enterprise
Child Development Creative iMedia DT – Graphic Design Health and Social Care Hospitality and Catering Performing Arts Sports

8 Non GCSE qualifications
All are high quality, well recognised qualifications. All have progression routes into sixth form. All have externally assessed units which must be passed to an appropriate standard to achieve an overall pass. All have internally assessed units for which deadlines and standards must be met.

9 Advantages of non GCSE courses
60% of the course is continual assessment. 40% externally assessed. Externally assessed unit completed before the end of year 11. Exams can be re-taken once if necessary.

10 KEY DATES 08.01.19 - Information Evening
– Progress reports available Subject information booklets w/c Subject assemblies Option sheets – Year 8 Parents’ Evening w/c – Option sheets to form tutors w/c – Individual student discussions w/c – Parental discussions

11 HOW CAN PARENTS HELP Encourage children to take subjects they are going to really enjoy. Go through the booklet of subjects and discuss. Encourage your child to ask questions. Attend parent evening and ask questions. Don’t worry about their choices. Core covers almost all careers.

12 The Sixth Form @ Woodkirk Academy.
Year 11 information and progress evening The Sixth Woodkirk Academy.

13 KEY DATES 08.01.19 - Information Evening
– Progress reports available w/c Subject assemblies Subject information booklets Option sheets – Year 8 Parents’ Evening w/c – Option sheets to form tutors w/c – Individual student discussions w/c – Parental discussions


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