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Subject -Economics S.Y.B.A. Micro Economics - S-1 Monopoly.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject -Economics S.Y.B.A. Micro Economics - S-1 Monopoly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject -Economics S.Y.B.A. Micro Economics - S-1 Monopoly

2 Presented by Jyoti S. Jadhav (M.A., M.phil.,NET)

3 Monopoly Meaning and Definition:-
Monopoly is the situation is a single seller of a product.

4 Features of monopoly:-
1) One seller and large number of buyers. 2) Monopoly is also an industry. 3) Restriction on the entry of the new firm 4) Full control over price:- 5) No substitutes:-

5 Price Determination Under Short Run Equilibrium
Super normal profit:- this situation the total super normal profit BCDP.

6 Normal profit:- shown, the equilibrium at point C, because at this point marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue

7 Minimum loss :- The firm is total loss equivalent to GFHP2
as shown by the shaded area

8 Thank You For Your Attention………

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