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What are signs of suicide?

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Presentation on theme: "What are signs of suicide?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are signs of suicide?

2 Jonathan, 22, committed suicide one day after being released from the hospital. He suffered from schizophrenia and depression. Bill, was gay and couldn’t take the pain others caused him. He overdosed. Ester’s husband of 8 months, shot himself in front of her while intoxicated. She didn’t know he suffered from depression. A 15-year-old from Staten Island girl stepped in front of a bus with a suicide note. She had been bullied. 10-year-old girl from North Carolina hung herself, was bullied at school.

3 Behind the headlines is the story
Suicide is an act of desperation and despair. In the numbers 30,000 deaths per year in USA 3rd leading cause of death for year olds

4 Signs Depression Mood swings Giving away possessions
Talking about death or suicide

5 Possible triggers (precipitants) for suicide are:
real or imagined losses Breakup moving, loss (especially if by suicide) of a friend, loss of freedom, or loss of other privileges.

6 Risk Factors single marital status, unemployment, low income,
mental illness, a history of being physically or sexually abused, a personal history of suicidal thoughts, threats or behaviors, a family history of attempting suicide. Depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, etc. being bullied (in children and teens)

7 Take Action If you suspect someone, tell a trusted adult.
Not all people who commit suicide show signs. Guilt for those left behind wishing they could have done something Counseling

8 If you feel suicidal Talk to someone

9 Get help American Association of Suicidology American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Community Awareness and Support Center (support for people affected by murder-suicide) Jason Foundation National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-SUICIDE ( ) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline TALK (8255) National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center 866-SAFEYOUTH ( ) Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Eastern time Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network (Span) Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

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