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The Constant-Q IIR Filterbank Approach to Spectral Flux

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2 The Constant-Q IIR Filterbank Approach to Spectral Flux
Risto Holopainen Department of Musicology University of Oslo

3 Flux by FFT measures degree of spectral change
efficient if window length = hop size

4 FFT Flux formula

5 Filterbank Flux Replace: FFT  biquad bandpass filters
Amplitude spectrum  RMS Linear frequency spacing  logarithmic (octaves) Hopping  sliding

6 Filterbank Flux

7 Frequency response

8 Impulse response Instead of adjacent windows:
decaying impulse responses

9 Effective IR length

10 Implementation moving average RMS: flux:

11 The sound of flux original flux

12 Sensory dissonance

13 A-DAFX flux sigmoid LP Flux suppressor original processed

14 Feature extractor feedback systems
Dissertation 2012: Self-organised sound with autonomous instruments: Aesthetics and experiments

15 Feature extractor feedback systems
affine map flux nonlinear map


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