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WRT 205: Critical Research

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1 WRT 205: Critical Research
Dr. Rusty Bartels Friday, April 5th, 2019 Week 11, Day 3

2 Overview Freewrite Studio Wrap-up

3 Freewrite What have you done for your Synthesizing composition(s)?
What still needs to be done? What are your goals for today?

4 STUDIO [Image Description: 4 panel comic with Ceclia, graduate student, on phone with mom. Dialogue: Mom: How’s the writing going Cecilia? Ceclia: Good, Mom. I’m working on my final draft. M: “Final draft”? What does that mean? If it’s a draft, how can it be final? And if it’s final, how can it be a draft? C: Wishful thinking? M: Did you say “draft” or “daft”?]

5 Freewrite What did you accomplish today? How do you feel about that?
What is your plan to have a rough draft ready for Peer Review on Wednesday?

6 Wrap-up Today we: Studio - worked on Synthesizing Research composition
Next time: Reading: Bazerman, Ch12 Focus: Composition process Office Hours cancelled today

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