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WWW List #1.

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1 WWW List #1

2 PART I. Shaded Words

3 Ante – Before Anterior – situated before or at the front of
Antebellum – existing before a war (ex: Antebellum South)

4 Anti - Against Antibiotic – treatment against bacteria
Antiaircraft – artillery used against enemy aircraft

5 Bi - Two Bicycle – two wheels
Binoculars – two telescopes fitted together to look through

6 Com - Together Comfort – coming together to soothe someone
Combination – the act of joining together two things

7 Con - Together Contract – an agreement which requires people to come together Confidence – having yourself together; believing in yourself

8 De - Down Descend – to go down to a lower place
Demolish – to tear down

9 Dis - Away Distract – to turn attention away Dismiss – to send away

10 Inter - Between International – between or among nations
Interjection – an abrupt remark between others’ conversation

11 Mal - Bad Malicious – desire to be bad/hurt others
Malady – a “bad” disorder or disease of the body

12 Mis- Bad Mistake – a bad error Misfit – to fit badly

13 Non - Not Nonstop – not stopping Nonprofit – not for profit

14 Post - After Postscript – an afterthought to a letter (“p.s.”)
Posterior – coming after or behind

15 Pre - Before Preposition – word before a noun that describes a relationship to other words d Predict – to say what will happen before it takes place

16 Semi - Half Semicircle – half of a circle
Semiformal – partly (“half”) formal

17 Sub - Under Submarine – machine that goes underwater
Subtract – to take away (put one number “under” another)

18 Super - Over Superb – excellent or over the average
Supervisor – person over a group of workers

19 Syn - Together Synonym – “together” in name
Synchronize – moving together

20 Sym - Together Sympathy – join together in feelings
Symmetry – two sides that together are exactly similar

21 Tri - Three Tricycle – three wheels
Triceps – muscle on the back of the arm with three points of origin

22 Un - Not Unfit – not fit Unequal – not equal

23 PART II. NON-Shaded Words

24 Circum - Around Circus – a group of performers that moves around
Circumlocution – (noun) a roundabout or indirect way of speaking

25 Equi - Equal Equitable – equal and fair
Equation – the act of making equal

26 Extra - Beyond Extraterrestrial – from beyond our universe
Extraordinary – beyond the ordinary

27 Intra - Within Intravenous – taking place within a vein (“IV”)
Intrapersonal – occurring within the individual mind or self

28 Intro - Into Introduce – bring into use or into attention of others
Introvert – shy and into him/herself more than others

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