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The ITU-T and the Action Line C2 - WSIS

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1 The ITU-T and the Action Line C2 - WSIS

2 Lead Study Groups – 1/2 SG 2 SG 5 SG 9 SG 11 SG 12
service definition, numbering and routing telecommunication for disaster relief/early warning telecommunication management SG 5 electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic effects SG 9 integrated broadband cable and television networks SG 11 signalling and protocols intelligent networks test specifications SG 12 Lead study group on quality of service and quality of experience

3 Lead Study Groups 2/2 SG 13 SG 15 SG 16 SG 17 future networks and NGN
mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence SG 15 access network transport optical technology optical transport networks SG 16 multimedia coding, systems and applications on ubiquitous applications ("e-everything", such as e-health telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities SG 17 telecommunication security identity management (IdM) languages and description techniques

4 The Global Standards Initiative Concept
Hot topics work is carried forward by ITU-T’s Global Standards Initiative (GSI) environment, which encompasses all the relevant study item work across ITU-T Study Groups. It is implemented by co-located meetings of concerned Study Groups and Rapporteur Groups to jointly progress the work under the auspices of the GSI. The goals are: to address the market needs for standards and to produce global standards to further strengthen the ITU-T’s leading role amongst the other SDOs to keep visibility of the work spread between different technical groups in ITU-T

5 Ability of a product to meet the requirement(s) of a standard
Conformity Ability of a product to meet the requirement(s) of a standard Interoperability Ability of two or more systems or applications or network management products and services from different suppliers to exchange information and to mutually / fruitfully make use of it

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