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training season 2019 Ready for a reboot?

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Presentation on theme: "training season 2019 Ready for a reboot?"— Presentation transcript:

1 training season 2019 Ready for a reboot?
Introduce Self Big Welcome Tyler and Warm Instructors IRW Season about to start. Exciting Time! Motorcycle Ohio Instructor Refresher Workshop March 2, 2019

2 BRS Today’s IRW focus BRS Review Evaluate - Improve How? What? Who?
Identify Plan Execute Review BRS Review Evaluate - Improve How? What? Who? Why? What to expect How it will affect you IRW shaped by the biennial Curriculum Review, a rigorous continuous improvement process used by MO to evaluate and improve its curriculum. Transparent and inclusive about the BRS Review How it was done. What was looked at. Who was involved Why decisions were made. What to expect. How it will affect you and your students.

3 BRS Curriculum review – MORE
We Own It! MORE BRS Curriculum Robust learn-to-ride course since 2017 Created BY Ohio and FOR Ohio Successful with instructors and students Proud! 2 year review Living Document Continuous Improvement SIPDE-like strategy to help MO make sound judgments to reduce risk and improve outcomes BRS Background BRS Created Successful Proud Living Document - and it's all ours. WE OWN IT! Unlike proprietary curricula, we can use CI make adjustments to better align with program goals and improve outcomes Like good motorcyclists, we at MO learn from experience. Gather and process information and use it to make sound judgments to reduce risk and improve outcomes.

4 BRS Curriculum Review – data
Pass / Fail / Dropout Incident Reports MO Instructor Experience (Survey) MO Student Experience (Survey) Field Observations IPCs and other Experiences Crash Data Here's a list of some of the information we considered. Let's take a closer look at the data.

5 Passing rates over time
Pass rate DOWN Passing rates are down. While we're not here simply to pass students Not alarming, but concerning. Why? We've made comparisons with other providers. We believe can do better. BRC in Troy 84% BRC in VT 90%

6 Failing rates over time
F/S UP (~50%) F/D UP (~100%) While F/A rate has remained steady over time 6.5, F/S rate has increased by 50% 12 and F/D rate has nearly doubled 4.

7 Incident reports over time
Before most occurred when? Quick Stop Since most occurred when? Getting Underway Incident numbers have doubled. Big hitter used to be the Quick Stop. Now it's Getting Underway. I know what your thinking. That’s only because we started reporting all those “minor” incidents in That’s what I thought at first too.

8 Injuries over time Common reasons? Braking while turning
Too much front brake Injuries doubled too. Often in conjunction with BWT and TMFB Let’s dig a little deeper.

9 911 calls over time Excessive speed
30% of 911 calls in 2018 took place during cornering exercises. Reasons? Braking while turning Excessive speed Record number of 911 calls last year. 30% in cornering exercises or evaluations. New for us. Speed is now a bigger factor.

10 BRS Curriculum review – OTHER Data
MO Instructor Survey 76 responded! MO Student Survey Field Observations, IPCs etc. Common choke points exist in classroom and on range Crash Data Motorcyclists at fault in 55% of crashes last year Softer, Qualitative Data provided important information Overall high satisfaction / acceptance Classroom – Take Home Review – Range – Skill Test Common Choke Points

11 BRS Curriculum review – Process
Review Data/Materials Identify Needs Plan Developed Drafts/Feedback  Committee Instructors LITEs Chiefs Execute BRS Reboot BRS Identify Plan Execute Review Now that what know what data we used for the review...let's take a look at the process.

12 BRS Curriculum reboot Maintain curricular content and sequence
Adjustment to improve: Clarity & Flow Emphasis & Focus Refrain from pilotable revisions for now Positive impact on 2019 training season Reboot maintains curriculum virtually intact yet features adjustments to improve….

13 BRS Curriculum reboot – 2019
No Change to Rider’s Guide No Change to Range Exercises No Change to Range Rationales Classroom PPT and Companion revised Familiar – many slides unchanged Concepts and sequence unchanged Take-Home Activity redesigned Skill Test aligned with BMV Decided to Reboot the BRS What’s the same What’s changed

14 BRS – classroom reboot Highlights: Include MORE of the Rider’s Guide
Introduction + Capstone = Rider Responsibility Primary Controls and Basic Riding Skills SIPDE – Presentation, Transitions and Flow Bye-bye Chip!  Hello Classroom Activity  New Take-home review You'll hear more about specifics later today. Intros directly from the text to set up the topics and emphasize each unit’s purpose, re-emphasized by the capstone RSRMSR to put even more focus on RIDER RESP. 4. As requested, more Unit 4 content to help on range and in later classroom discussions (SIPDE, Cornering and Maximum Braking) that build on this material. 5.Unit 5 A common area of misunderstanding and deficiency in the classroom. Revised to help with transitions, flow and meaningful discussion.   9.The Riding Straight video (while loved by many) is outdated, corny and somewhat embarrassing. This unit will now be covered by chunking and small group activity. New Take Home Review content centered 50 Q

15 BRS – range reboot Ex 2: Break Ex 13/17: Demo move
RST 100% Aligned with BMV Evaluation 5: No Part B Evaluation 4: Start cones move (Range Card Stickers are available for 2019) Ex 2: Combat fatigue, take a break for greater focus on smooth starting and stopping with handlebars square. Address incidents and early dismissals Ex 13/17: Demo here to focus on smooth control, proper entry speed and timing of SLRP. Address cornering mishaps RST: 100% alignment with BMV, eliminate scoring confusion, improve data integrity. Address errors and mitigate incidents.

16 BRS reboot – Today’s amazing line-up!
Coaching Essential Riding Skills (Ex 2) Cornering and MORE (Ex ) Chip: A Celebration of Life (Units 3,4,9) SIPDE, Scenarios and MORE (Units 5,6,7) The Rest of the Story (MORE on MORE ) Range Painters Only (Update on RST-4) We’ll learn more about the BRS Reboot in today’s sessions, which all promise to be interactive, informative and FUN ROOM Assignments!!!

17 BRS reboot– 2019 - summary BRS Maintain strong BRS curriculum
Identify Plan Execute Review Maintain strong BRS curriculum Refocus on areas of need MORE training & support Re-evaluate Make the most out of MORE BRS Reboot is part of a continuing process to leverage our already strong curriculum by supporting our most valuable resource - YOU - our instructors. Looking to forward to making the most of the MORE BRS with YOU this season!

18 Motorcycle Ohio Instructor Refresher Workshop March 2, 2019
Ready – reboot – go! Thanks and have a great day at the IRW! Motorcycle Ohio Instructor Refresher Workshop March 2, 2019

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