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Konrad Tywoniuk University of Oslo Collaborators: A. Capella

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1 Suppression and Azimuthal asymmetry of particle production in heavy-ion collisions
Konrad Tywoniuk University of Oslo Collaborators: A. Capella E.G. Ferreiro A.B. Kaidalov XLIII Recontres de Moriond – QCD and High Energy Interactions

2 XLIII Recontres de Moriond
Intimate connection? Matter is opaque – strong suppression There is a large azimuthal asymmetry of the suppression Particles ”flow”... Flow saturates where suppression saturates! XLIII Recontres de Moriond

3 RHIC: the party line scenario
Reaction plane x z y Matter formed in the collsion is a perfect liquid with (almost) no viscosity Hydrodynamical picture works Initial eccentricity is effectively transformed into momentum anisotropy of final state particles Jets that traverse the thermalized medium radiates energy loss ~ρL2 Thermalization is reached within 0.5 fm after the initial moment of collision Is it possible to formulate a model without these assumptions that give the same experimental features? XLIII Recontres de Moriond

4 Comover scenario Small interaction cross sections (σ ~ 1 mb) in the final state φ enhancement J/ψ suppression high-pT particle suppression Based on rate equations – does not rely on thermlization assumption Capella, Ferreiro, Kaidalov, Sousa EPJC40(2005)129 Capella, Ferreiro EPJC42(2005)419; Capella et al. arXiv: Capella, Salgado PRC60(1999)054906 Azimuthal dependence can easily be introduced! XLIII Recontres de Moriond

5 XLIII Recontres de Moriond
Results with σ ~ 1 mb Capella, Ferreiro EPJC42(2005)419 Centrality and azimuthal angle dependence of RAA is also ok! centrality dependence of v2 is ok! Mass dependence of elliptic flow comes naturally... XLIII Recontres de Moriond

6 Predicitions for LHC and outlook
Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC - Last Call for Predictions: arXiv:  [hep-ph] calculations for v2 at LHC are being computed for realistic case RAA(Δφ) is well reproduced! LHC ~ 1.5 RHIC due to strong final state suppression XLIII Recontres de Moriond

7 XLIII Recontres de Moriond
Backup I New method of calculating the suppression along the path of the particle Can check dijet correlations Zhang, Owens, Wang, Wang PRL98(2007)212301 XLIII Recontres de Moriond

8 Backup II: Is the matter at RHIC strongly or weakly interacting?
Bhalerao, Blaizot, Borghini, Ollitrault PLB627(2005)49 Is thermalization reached? v4/v22 ~ 1  0.5 is a hydro prediction no saturation of v2/ε with density (dN/dy/S) Inverse Knudsen number ~ 2 Hints of small final state interactions that only affect rare processes <pT> unchanged going from central to peripheral (~20% , compatible with pA) weak centrality dependence of (Anti-p, Λ, Ξ,Ω)/h- Saturation expected from thermalized system No decrease in <pT2> for J/ψ in central collisions High-pT particles come dominantly from jet fragmentation in vacuum? Drees, Feng, Jia PRC71(2005)034909 XLIII Recontres de Moriond

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