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Anatomy & Physiology QCF Level 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy & Physiology QCF Level 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy & Physiology QCF Level 3

2 Anatomy and Physiology
The Distance Learning has really taken off and students are doing well. It is fully supported distance learning and all the materials are on the student area – hidden from public view! What does the study entail? How much time will it take? Is there an exam???

3 Anatomy & Physiology Student Area

4 Welcome Page Distance Learning

5 Secrets to Successful Study

6 Your Anatomy Study Schedule All done for you!

7 e.g. Skin homework – simply fill in the gaps using the Louise Tucker book – the homework follows the book Where do you get the answers from? The Louise Tucker Book says: The epidermis is the layer of skin that we can see. It varies in thickness depending on the part of the body It is thickest on the soles of the feet and thinnest on eyelids etc

8 Regular Tests (and answers
Regular Tests (and answers!) ITEC style ITEC Exam will be 80 multiple choice questions Plenty of exam style tests for you to practice with! Test after each system and also throughout the course, testing on past systems covered so you don’t forget them

9 Example of a test with answers!
You keep these in your file – in the skin section – ready for revision!

10 How much time to study? At least 2 hours per week
If you attended a weekly class of 2 hours, you would expect to do homework and revise in between? Distance learning means you can fit the study in around your schedule - early morning/late evening/lunchtime? But it has to be done sometime...

11 OK so 2 hours per week.... With 16 body systems – that is 16 weeks
Study two systems per week and you get it done doubly quickly – take longer and it takes longer to finish – it’s really as simple as that to work out. Mock exam at the end When can you take the real exam? As soon as you are ready – 1 week’s notice

12 What are these ‘body systems’?
Organisation of the body Chemical organisation of the body Cells and Tissues 10. Endocrine Skin, Hair, Nails Nervous Skeletal Reproductive Muscular Digestive Circulatory 14. Respiratory Lymph Urinary Nervous

13 ITEC e-learning too, click click

14 The e-learning part of the course makes for good revision and also tests you with multiple choice questions at the end. So whatever way you learn there will be something to help you – Jackie sends out regular s with crosswords or tips – you are never alone!

15 Optional Class-Based Booster Sessions available
Held monthly Thurs evenings 4 sessions cover the course £25 per class for Distance Learners

16 Feedback:  Thanks so much for your s it’s great to get so much encouragement.  As it is for everyone life is hectic but I am really determined to get this virtually completed before the reflexology course starts. I am just about to start  the cardiovascular system, the muscular system was hard in that there were so much to try and remember but all I can do is to keep revising it. I have the colouring book which is great and the games are so helpful especially  if you need to relax it a bit, but all in all its a great course and made as easy as possible for us to understand (thankfully!)

17 more student’s comments
Thanks for the , I seem to be doing fine with the anatomy, I am following your guidance and it seems to be working!! so a big thank you, I am now starting skin chapter, I will contact you as soon as things aren't sinking in or I feel swamped under, but so far its fine, thanks.

18 What help is there if I get stuck?
Jackie is always available by , face time, skype or come for a 1-1 Monthly Booster sessions, covering 3 systems all in one go – 2 hour session for £25 (if you are doing this as part of a course then it is without cost as it comes as part of the course!)

19 Exam 80 question multiple choice. (Like who wants to be a millionaire)
The tests given on the student area and the tests on the e learning system are all typical exam questions so you will have plenty to revise with! 85 minutes given – more if you are dyslexic 5 questions on most systems, only 2 or 3 on some

20 Dates and Fees Distance Start Immediately!
£221(plus exam fee of £90 = £335) Optional Booster Sessions £25 per session (4 sessions) Pay £221 now Exam fee of £90 to be paid when you are ready to take the exam

21 Flash Cards Use the questions from the tests for one side and the answer to the test on the other side Also use the questions on the e-learning site – these are all typical exam questions – these will help you revise for the exams!

22 How does that work? Question on one side – answer on the other – questions and answers from the tests on the student area and also on the ITEC – e learning site questions – get your family/friends to test you – keep some in your car/bag so you can revise anytime you are kept waiting!

23 Thank you for your interest
We hope you now have a better idea of this course? Any questions, please feel free to ask We look forward to welcoming you to the school! Please apply using the website application form – we can then confirm your place once we receive your deposit

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