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Tutorial – Monday 8th October

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1 Tutorial – Monday 8th October

2 Group work In tutorials, you will be put into a group. Please share contact details with all members of your group. This will help you in working as part of team in a work situation. I may change the groups at a later date.

3 Group work rules It is useful for groups to have rules. This helps them to function more efficiently. What 5 rules should the tutorial groups have? (Discuss in your groups for minutes)

4 Group rules Rule 1; All group members should join in an activity
Rule 2: Everyone should finish their work on time Rule 3: Discuss ideas Rule 4: Help each other when you have finished your own work but do not do the other person’s work for them. Rule 5: Make a comfortable environment to work together

5 Group work - 1 What discrimination or feeling excluded have you experienced (or heard about in the news)? What did you when you felt excluded or discriminated against? What could you do in the future? (Discuss in your groups for 10 minutes)

6 Group work - 2 Consider HuangHuai University. List all the examples of how it is a diverse workforce. List all the examples of how it is not a diverse workforce. What do you think are the reasons for this? (Discuss in your groups for minutes)

7 Group work - 3 Consider a global organisation:
What issues regarding diversity will it have to deal with? How might it manage those issues? Who would manage those issues?

8 Group work - 4 It seems reasonable and common sense that organisations have a structure. So, why do we need to study organisational behaviour? Why not continue doing things like we have always done? List the reasons. (Discuss in your group for minutes)

9 Reading Exercise Read the story about the Monkey and the Bananas.
What do you think about the story? Do you think human beings would behave like that? Why? Why not?

10 Reflective thinking During this course you will need to learn a new skill. This is called “reflective thinking”. Reflective thinking can be summarized as: What did I do? Why did I do it? What was the result? What would I do differently next time?

11 Reflective thinking skills
In order to be effective in reflective thinking, you need to: learn how to ask questions be balanced in your emotions pretend you are looking at yourself as if you were a separate person look for patterns You will need to practise this skill on a regular basis to be good at it! Some people keep a diary.

12 Thinking about you Earlier today, I asked you questions about your strengths and weaknesses and your career choices. How will organisational behaviour knowledge be useful to you in your chosen career?

13 Reflection on today What did you find most difficult today?
What did you find easiest today? Why? What was it that made it hard or easy? What would you do differently tomorrow? What could I do to help you?

14 Quick questions! What are the 3 levels of analysis of OB we will study in this module? What topics did we cover today? Name 4 of the 9 diversity characteristics What can happen if OB is done incorrectly? Name two skills a manager needs

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