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City Managers Neighborhood Impact Initiative Impact Initiative Acre & Pawtucketville.

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Presentation on theme: "City Managers Neighborhood Impact Initiative Impact Initiative Acre & Pawtucketville."— Presentation transcript:

1 City Managers Neighborhood Impact Initiative Impact Initiative Acre & Pawtucketville

2 Public Meeting September 15, 2012 Introduction: City Managers Neighborhood Initiative for the Acre/Pawtucketville Infrastructure Improvements General Improvements Grant Programs Code Enforcement Safety Discussion

3 City Managers Neighborhood Initiative - Acre & Pawtucketville MAP

4 Acre & Pawtucketville

5 Infrastructure Improvements New University Ave Bridge is under construction. Upgrade the two signals at University Avenue & Riverside Street, and Pawtucket Street at School Street. These will be constructed next year. Bike lane and sharrows have been installed on Merrimack Street, Pawtucket Street and Fletcher Street. Father Morissette is still planned for a bike lane, but funding is not available yet. The sharrows mean share the road. Bikes can use the full lane on any road, not just the ones with sharrow markings. Bike lanes mean cars can not use that section of the road, but bikes can still use any part of the road. We will be doing an educational effort on the bike lanes and sharrows soon.

6 Infrastructure Improvements


8 New landscaped public spaces will be created as part of the Bridge project. The old bridge stub will become an overlook, and the corner of Salem and Pawtucket will be expanded with new curb, pavement, plantings, and trees.

9 Park Improvements Parks & Public Space Bourgeois Park- existing conditions Bourgeois Park- Proposed Improvements

10 Parks & Public Space Bourgeois Park- Proposed Improvements Park Improvements

11 Rain garden Improvements at North Common Park Improvements Lights at Amphitheater

12 Fels Park Park Improvements

13 Parking Areas Proposed landscaping- Public parking lot at University Ave and Gershom Ave Public Space Improvements

14 Street Trees Banners Enhancing Additional Greenspace

15 Sign & Façade Improvement Program Before After

16 Best Retail Practices Program Van Gogh's Gear Before After

17 Neighborhood Innovation Grant Program $2,000 Mini-Grants for Collaborative, Community-Driven Projects Community Gardens on Vacant Lots Free Public Wifi Vermi-Composting Workshops

18 Code Enforcement

19 Safety

20 Discussion

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