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Jenney’s First Year Latin Lesson 31

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1 Jenney’s First Year Latin Lesson 31
Vocabulary List 31 5th Declension Nouns Formation of Adverbs

2 Vocabulary List 31

3 lectus, lectī, m. bed, dining couch

4 iānua, iānuae, f. door

5 itāque (conj.) therefore, and so

6 nec and…not, nor

7 neque and…not, nor

8 nec…nec/neque…neque neither…nor

9 straight line; line of battle; battle line
aciēs, aciēī, f. straight line; line of battle; battle line

10 diēs, diēī, m. day

11 merīdiēs, merīdiēī, m. midday, noon; south

12 diē cōnstitūtā (idiom)
on the appointed day

13 multō diē (idiom) late in the day

14 multa nocte (idiom) late at night

15 rēs, reī, f. thing, matter, affair

16 rēs frūmentāria, reī frūmentāriae, f. (idiom)
grain supply

17 rēs gestae, reī gestārum, f. (idiom)
accomplishments, deeds

18 rēs nōvae, reī nōvārum, f. (idiom)

19 rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae, f. (idiom)
state, commonwealth, republic

20 spēs, speī, f. hope

21 frūmentārius, frūmentāria, frūmentātium
having to do with grain

22 pūblicus, pūblica, pūblicum
public, belonging to the people

23 5th Declension Nouns

24 5th Declension Nouns nouns with gen. sg. ending in –ēī or –eī belong to the 5th declension ending is –ēī if the letter before the ending is a vowel ending is –eī if the letter before the ending is a consonant 5th declension nouns are all feminine exception: diēs, diēī (day) and merīdiēs, merīdiēī (noon) are masculine

25 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

26 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

27 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī Dat. Acc. Abl.

28 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī Dat. Acc. Abl.

29 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī Dat. Acc. em Abl.

30 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī Dat. Acc. em Abl. ē

31 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī Dat. Acc. em Abl. ē

32 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī ērum Dat. Acc. em Abl. ē

33 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī ērum Dat. ēbus Acc. em Abl. ē

34 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī ērum Dat. ēbus Acc. em Abl. ē

35 5th Declension Nouns – Endings
5th decl. nouns have the following endings: SG PL Nom. ēs Gen. ēī/eī ērum Dat. ēbus Acc. em Abl. ē

36 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

37 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

38 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

39 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī Dat. Acc. Abl.

40 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī Dat. Acc. Abl.

41 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī Dat. Acc. diem Abl.

42 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī Dat. Acc. diem Abl. diē

43 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī Dat. Acc. diem Abl. diē

44 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī diērum Dat. Acc. diem Abl. diē

45 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī diērum Dat. diēbus Acc. diem Abl. diē

46 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī diērum Dat. diēbus Acc. diem Abl. diē

47 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. diēs Gen. diēī diērum Dat. diēbus Acc. diem Abl. diē

48 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

49 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

50 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī Dat. Acc. Abl.

51 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī Dat. Acc. Abl.

52 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī Dat. Acc. rem Abl.

53 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī Dat. Acc. rem Abl.

54 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī Dat. Acc. rem Abl.

55 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī rērum Dat. Acc. rem Abl.

56 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī rērum Dat. rēbus Acc. rem Abl.

57 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī rērum Dat. rēbus Acc. rem Abl.

58 5th Declension Nouns – Morphology
Decline diēs, diēī, m. and rēs, reī, f. SG PL Nom. rēs Gen. reī rērum Dat. rēbus Acc. rem Abl.

59 Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives

60 Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives
some adverbs are formed using the base of adjectives Adverbs from Adjectives: find the adj. stem add –ē e.g.: pulchrē (beautifully), lātē (widely), miserē (wretchedly), etc. note some are irregular [e.g. bonus  bene (well), malus  male (badly), magnus  magnopere (greatly)]

61 Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives
Adverbs from 3rd Declension Adjectives: find the adj. stem (drop –is from the nom. sg. fem.) add –iter to the stem, e.g.: fortis, forte  fort– + –iter  fortiter (bravely) fēlix, fēlicis  fēlic– + –iter  fēliciter (happily) similis, simile  simil– + –iter  similiter (similarly) if the adj. is a 1 term. ending in –ns, –ntis, add –er to the stem potens, potentis  potent– + er  potenter (powerfully) sapiens, sapientis  sapient– + –er  sapienter (wisely)

62 Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives
Adverbs from 3rd Declension Adjectives: N.B.: the adv. form of audax, audācis is audacter the adv. form of facilis, -e and difficilis, -e are facile and difficile

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