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Impact Evaluation of the Community Infrastructure Upgrading Program (LGSP), Water intensification (DAWASA), and Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF)

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Presentation on theme: "Impact Evaluation of the Community Infrastructure Upgrading Program (LGSP), Water intensification (DAWASA), and Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact Evaluation of the Community Infrastructure Upgrading Program (LGSP), Water intensification (DAWASA), and Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF)

2 Community Infrastructure Upgrading Program (CIUP) and Water Intensification (DAWASA)
Projects description: The Community Infrastructure Upgrading Program of LGSP will provide a package for upgrading basic infrastructure and services in 16 selected low-income settlements of Dar es Salam. DAWASA will provide water intensification (ho. connections and water points) to all communities (progressively during the next 5 years) including the 16 CIUP communities. The CIUP communities will be covered in the next two years. Objective: Evaluate the total impact of a package of infrastructure upgrading and relative to investments in water upgrading alone

3 Design: main evaluation of CIUP vs. DAWASA
Survey. Community and Household surveys in the low-income settlements mtaas of Dar es Salam. Baseline end Follow up survey end 2007. Sample of household survey Representative sample of households from 16 CIUP communities, 30 DAWASA only communities, and 40 non-beneficiary communities. Sample size (86x30)= 2,780 households Survey cost (2780x$50x2)=$278,000 Community survey will cover the 86 communities. The community survey will be used to match communities together with selected indicators from the household survey. Community survey cost (86x100)=$8600.

4 Design: main evaluation of CIUP vs. DAWASA
Method. Propensity score matching of communities using baseline data: match CIUP communities to DAWASA communities CIUP communities to non-beneficiary communities DAWASA communities to non-beneficiary communities Average treatment effects estimated as difference in difference: Infrastructure except water effect = (Y2-Y0)CIUP-(Y2-Y0)DAWASA Infrastructure effect = (Y2-Y0)CIUP-(Y2-Y0)N-BEN Water effect = (Y2-Y0)DAWASA-(Y2-Y0) N-BEN

5 Evaluation of water intensification
Background. Water intensification interventions are implemented progressively from the costal area into the inland along three trunk corridors Objective: evaluate impact of water intensification and validate water results from main evaluation above Method. Moving pipeline comparison. Measure outcomes either side of the rehabilitation frontier at various points in time along the corridor (Pugu Road) 4 surveys 1 year frequency. Sample size 100 households. Surveys costs $50x100 ho.x4surveys=$20,000 Average treatment effect will be estimated every year as: Average water effect = (Y1-Y0)WITHIN FRONTIER-(Y1-Y0)OUTSIDE FRONTIER

6 Surveying quality Water sampling across Dar es Salam. This will include all communities covered by the main CIUP/DAWASA evaluation (feasibility to be investigated)

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