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File System Performance

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1 File System Performance
CSE451 Andrew Whitaker

2 Ways to Improve Performance
Access the disk less Caching! Be smarter about accessing the disk Turn small operations into large operations Turn scattered operations into sequential operations

3 Technique #1: Caching Memory is MUCH faster than disk
So, cache whatever we can in memory File buffers i-nodes Directory entries (name => i-node) Caching reads is a no-brainer Caching writes is more interesting…

4 Caching Writes Two options
Synchronous: data is immediately written out to disk AKA: write-through Asynchronous: disk writes are delayed AKA: write-back Programmer’s perspective: what does it mean when the “write” system call returns? With asynchronous writes, the data has not necessarily hit the disk

5 Why Use Asynchronous Writes?
Allows us to batch-up multiple writes to the same block Allows for better overlap of CPU and I/O CPU does not stall waiting for the disk Allows the disk scheduler to make better decisions Application: write(a); write (b); write(c); Disk: write(b); write(a); write(c); Most data updates in UNIX systems use asynchronous writes by default Programmer can override: fsync(fd);

6 Problems with Asynchronous Writes
File system state can be lost during a crash Missing blocks, missing files, missing directories, storage leaks, etc. For this reason, meta-data updates tend to be done synchronously File/directory creation or deletion

7 Consistency Problems Problems still arise, even with synchronous meta-data updates For example, file creation must modify an i-node and a directory entry Initialize the i-node Record the <fileName, i-node> mapping in the directory Disks do not support atomic operations Which of these operations comes first to ensure safety? A: Mark the I-node as in use

8 Dealing with Consistency Problems
Always keep the disk in a “safe” state Run a recovery program (like fsck) on startup

9 i-check: File Consistency
Is each block on exactly one list? Create a bit vector with as many entries as there are blocks Follow the free list and each i-node block list When a block is encountered, examine its bit If the bit was 0, set it to 1 If the bit was already 1 if the block is both in a file and on the free list, remove it from the free list and cross your fingers if the block is in two files, call support! If there are any 0’s left at the end, put those blocks on the free list

10 d-check: Directory Consistency
Do the directories form a tree? Cycles are bad! Does the link count of each file (i-node) equal the number of directory links to it?

11 Technique #2: Better Data Layout
Recall basic file system structure: Meta-data: i-nodes, free block list Data: file data, directory data Metadata Data Note: i-nodes are far from the data blocks they describe

12 Cylinder groups Details:
Basic idea: group commonly accessed data and meta-data together This reduces seeks Details: Disk is partitioned into groups of cylinders Data blocks from a file are all placed in the same cylinder group Files in same directory are placed in the same cylinder group i-node for file placed in same cylinder group as file’s data

13 Cylinder Group Analysis
Reduces or eliminates seeks for some common access patterns Does not address rotational delay Performance is workload dependent Performance degrades if cylinders become full Partial solution: pro-actively reserve space

14 Log Structured File System
Let’s assume all reads are cached An iffy assumption, but let’s suspend disbelief Q: How can we turn all writes into large, sequential writes? Insight: this is possible if the location of data on disk can change

15 A Convention File System
Files live at fixed location So, file system writes must use seeks For example: Write to Mathias.txt Write to Andrew.txt Write to Jill.txt Bob.txt Joel.txt Jill.txt Matt.txt Andrew.txt Nolan.txt Trish.txt Mathias.txt

16 Log-structured File System
Use the disk as an append-only log All writes go at the end The location of a file changes over time Old data is not over-written Until the file system becomes full Log growth Mathias.txt Andrew.txt Jill.txt

17 LFS Details Everything gets written to the log
File data, i-nodes, directories LFS tries to buffer many small writes into large segments Typically 512k, 1MB

18 How Can This Possibly Work?
Q: If nothing lives at a fixed location, how do we find “the data”? A: Add a layer of indirection: An i-node map Maps from i-node number to current location The map resides at a fixed location on disk NOT in the log! The map is cached in memory for performance

19 What Happens When the Disk Gets Full?
Partial solution: disk is managed in segments, which are threaded on disk Basically, a linked-list But, this re-introduces seeks! The LFS log contains a combination of valid and obsolete data

20 Segment Cleaner Goal: make scattered segments contiguous again
Approach: Read a segment Write live data to the end of the log Presto: The segment is now clean This is very expensive Each live byte is read and written

21 LFS Analysis For reads, LFS and a traditional FS are largely equivalent LFS has better performance for small writes and meta-data operations The LFS cleaner has a large impact on performance How important is this?

22 LFS in Practice LFS is implemented, but not widely used Reasons?
Assumptions about read behavior were not valid Reads have not gone away Performance improvements were not sufficient to offset increase complexity, higher variability

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