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GERMS 1 5th.

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1 GERMS 1 5th

2 Who is sitting next to you?

3 Size matters! Can you see the elephant and the ant if they were 100m away? Why not? (The ant is so small. There are things smaller than an ant that you cannot see. How did we see them in the last class- revise. This story is about why you need to know about these things so small that you cannot see them with the eye- they are called germs.

4 Valli is sad

5 In her village 3 people are sick. Tell their stories
In her village 3 people are sick. Tell their stories. Her friend Ramu’s father has cough and has lost weight and is sick in hospital . Senthil her friend is sick with diarrhoea. Kandan has a badly infected foot wound

6 Valli has a dream

7 Children act this. Give them colourful masks and a card board sword and shield. King of germs (KOG): Ha ha ha! I am a king of germs and I am the person who caused all your friends to be sick! Ha Ha. Valli- I have never seen you. Go away! KOG- you have not seen me because I am so small and smaller than an ant. I also have many friends – claps hands to call friends

8 TB Diarrhoea and wound germs tell their story

9 TB Germ: Ha ha ha I am so small that you cannot see me
TB Germ: Ha ha ha I am so small that you cannot see me. But I spread from a person to person when they cough. I get into people’s chest and make them cough and have fever and lose weight. I can kill many people. My name is TB

10 Diarrhoea germ Ha ha ha. I am also so small that you cannot see me. I get into your stomach when you eat without washing hands and when you drink water that is not boiled. I make people die of diarrhoea.

11 Wound germ Ha ha ha You cannot see me because I am so small but I am present in sand and all around you. I infect cuts and burns and can make you very sick!

12 Valli wakes up and says now I know why so many people are sick
Valli wakes up and says now I know why so many people are sick. And I know how to kill these germs.

13 Boiling water and washing hands can kill diarrhoea germs
Boiling water and washing hands can kill diarrhoea germs! Valli and Diarrhoea germ have a fight and Valli stabs the diarrhoea germ!

14 By washing wounds clean and putting medicine on wounds and dressing them I can kill the wound germ. They have a fight and Valli stabs the wound germ who also dies

15 By stoipping peopke spitting everywhere and covering their face when they cough I can kill the TB germs. Medicines from doctors will also help kill TB germs. Valli and TB germs have a fight and Valli kills TB germs

16 Revise the story and the germs
Why cannot we see the germs? How do germs spread? How can we stop them For higher classes not all germs are bad! There are good germs that help us.

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