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Librarian, Innovation & Knowledge, Central Office:

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Presentation on theme: "Librarian, Innovation & Knowledge, Central Office:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Librarian, Innovation & Knowledge, Central Office:
Edwinah Kisali Click to add Photo Librarian, Innovation & Knowledge, Central Office: Main focus is on planning, development and implementation of library services across the Company. Key milestones include: Participated in setting up of the KOHA Integrated Library System Acquisition and rolling out of the Books 24x7 and getAbstracts e-library portal Successful automation of the Central Office Library Currently preparing the ground work and logistics for the setting up of Knowledge Harvesting and Transfer in KenGen

2 Presented by: Edwinah Kisali Co-Author: Joseph Mbugua
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Focus is to explain how we have been able to innovate in accessing critical knowledge resources using our vibrant ict. /Section is charged with the responsibility of enhancing km capability within the business by providing critical business knowledge references and resources to enable employees work smarter, provide high quality outputs and generate knowledge assets that are important for posterity. /So, what has been our challenge of knowledge resources? maximizing on the books 24x7 E-library portal to optimize on cost and enhance employee productivity Presented by: Edwinah Kisali Co-Author: Joseph Mbugua 2018 G2G INNOVATION SEMINAR, PRIDE INN SPA & RESORT 18TH JUNE - 22ND JUNE 2018

3 Presentation Outline Introduction Background Challenges Solution
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Presentation Outline KenGen is a well known good company as attested by Dr. Iraki who mentioned that in his next life he would like to work for KenGen. For us to be great, we have been guided by the G2G Strategy which does not exist in many organizations in Africa which has made KenGen a world class Company and employer. Why do I say this? (next slide) Introduction Background Challenges Solution Cost Benefit Analysis Conclusion & Way Forward

4 Our G2G transformation has delivered substantial results for KenGen
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Today as we talk, we have revamped the G2G strategy and have so far achieved the following: Introduction Our G2G transformation has delivered substantial results for KenGen Objectives Achievements so far Capital planning and execution Delivered 700+MW of new generation capacity Drilled 150+ geothermal wells versus target of 100 Advanced 1,900MW of projects past feasibility (versus target of 1,500MW in 2018) Regulatory manage- ment Raised regulated ROE after tax from 10.5 to 12.5%, created regulatory unit Reduced dispatch risk through capacity PPAs Good 2 Great: Create value for all stakeholders (e.g., shareholders, employees, citizens) Generation 2 Generation: Create value from “one generation” of Kenyans to the “next generation” of Kenyans Operational excellence Improved return on invested capital from 4.7% in FY2011 to 8.9% in FY2015 (adjusted for mid-year commissioning of Olkaria IV and I AU) SOURCE: G2G Report 2007, KenGen

5 Background KenGen has developed human capacity and the numbers are growing exponentially The library has become the focal point in provision of relevant reference resources KenGen currently has 7 satellite libraries that have a collection of approximately 5000 books

6 JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Challenges faced The knowledge team has re-invented its processes to ensure that all employees are empowered and facilitated with appropriate and upto date information resources to help them achieve their goals. Up datedness of the information resources Access Books to staff ratio Budget constraints Stringent procurement rules Remote areas Space

7 Books 24x7 What is it E-Library portal
-Critical initiatives such as Project Management, Management & Leadership, Business Strategy & Innovation, Organizational Development and IT Technologies etc. What is it E-Library portal Books24x7 comprises thousands of Books & Book Summaries. New titles added every week Supports critical initiatives Unlimited access to a broad and deep repository Thousands of digitized business, technical, engineering and audio books, research reports, book summaries and best practices Partnerships with 300+ publishers and analyst firms Accessible remotely from any location

8 The Books 24x7 Collection - Skillsoft IT Provide learners with high-quality aids for Microsoft applications, mobile app development, operating systems and servers, cloud computing, social media, Adobe, Google apps, programming BusinessPRO - accelerating business knowledge ITPRO –IT technical needs FinancePRO EngineeringPro Skillsoft IT and Desktop Videos Wellbeing Essentials Books Office Essential - Titles in Business, Entrepreneurship, MS Office Guides

9 Skillsoft Leadership Channel
Over 4000 short 3-5min videos Downloadable Live interactive events Support leadership development that covers: Business Strategy and Sustainability Management and Leadership Change and Innovation Communication Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management Sales and Marketing Operations Personal Effectiveness

10 getAbstract World’s largest business book summary library
400+ leading publishing partners More than 9,000 text & 2,000 audio summaries new added each month 85 categories aligned to 12 key topics Available on mobile devices (iPhones/androids/iPads/tablets etc.) Fast online access & advanced search technology Ties directly to specific business needs

11 Clear instructions on logins
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Methodology of access Ict infrastructure –KenGen house OG6. K Created accounts Linked to the extranet Staff access Clear instructions on logins Roll-out(awareness)

12 Demo

13 Demo

14 Demo

15 Demo

16 Demo

17 Demo

18 Demo

19 Demo


21 Uptake Books 24x7

22 Cost Benefit Analysis Recommended no. of premium books per user – 5 x 3000 staff = 15,000 books Approximate cost per book – Kshs.5,000 Total amount – 15000x5000 = Kshs.75,000,000 Cost of Books24x7 – Kshs.1.6 Million Savings – 73.4 Million

23 Cost Benefit Analysis cont…
Books 24x7 Three Year Tabulation 2018 2019 2020 Hard copy books 75,000,000 Books 24x7 1,687,320 Savings per annum 73,312,680

24 Benefits Cost savings of Kshs.73 million per annum
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Benefits Cost savings of Kshs.73 million per annum Access to resources by all staff Access to a variety of thousands of books, book summaries, videos and live events Real time access to resources Elimination of wear, tear and loss Less tedious procurement process Timely delivery on projects Empower staff to grow professionally

25 Conclusion and Way Forward
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Conclusion and Way Forward So as to enjoy seamless opportunities that will not only help you work smarter but also build your professional career by having the best resources in the world. Conclusion: The Books24x7 e-library portal is a must-have for any organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment. Recommendation KenGen should continue subscribing to the Books24x7 e-library portal All to embrace this initiative Each function to do a scan of what is in its professional environment and recommend to us e.g operations uses a lot of technical standards and other resources


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