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WP 3 NOADs Network Operation

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1 WP 3 NOADs Network Operation
Task 3.2. Topical task forces and facilitators Subtask Task force Research Data Management Progress January 2019 Elly Dijk (DANS), Sarah Jones (DCC) OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

2 Agenda Task force RDM: Introduction Where are we now
Survey: Training materials Overview of Training Materials Working groups: plans + outcomes Future plans + session Questions OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

3 Task force RDM: led by DANS
Elly Dijk DANS Ellen Leenarts DANS Marjan Grootveld DANS Sarah Jones DCC OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

4 Task force RDM: Goal + activities
Goal: establish capacity and increase knowledge primarily among NOADs in order to support RDM activities, and support the Open Data Pilot/FAIR data  Contribute to the European Open Science Cloud Establishing working groups to examine different elements of the data life cycle. Gathering examples of existing good practices, factsheets, webinars et cetera Output: contribute to WP 4 (support and training) with support materials OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

5 Timeline Task Force RDM
Activities and output mentioned in the TF workplan: Activity Output When Status 1 Create working groups of experts on subjects Working groups of experts on subjects March/april 2018 Done 2 Inventory RDM expertise of NOADs and how to increase expertise; keep an eye on disciplinary diversity Overview of expertise: on subject (DMP support, data storage and reuse, FAIR data): current knowledge + how to increase expertise 2018, before the summer (was: Feb/March…) Survey responses indicate where we have a lot < > little expertise. “how to increase” is part of other activities. 3 Inventory existing training materials with the NOADs: webinars, factsheets et cetera. Inventory and gaps 2018, before the summer (was: March/April) Spreadsheet of materials currently used 4 Develop training materials: webinars, factsheets et cetera Training materials During 2018 In progress 5 Inventory existing Train the trainer packages 2018, before the summer (was: May/June) 6 Develop Train the trainer package / Hands on sessions Train the trainer package September 2018 – June 2019 OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

6 Taskforce RDM - What has been done so far?
Raised interest at the kick-off meeting in Athens Survey to interested NOADs and liaisons: inventory of RDM expertise, following research data life cycle* Analysis of the survey and created working groups Kick-off of the working groups : Creating data, Processing data and Preserving data Survey of training materials and analysis of the gaps Prepared list of training materials to develop – per working group Have been working on developing the training materials DANS made a draft overview of all the training recources *As done in Dutch inventory of research support offices in this white paper about research datamanagement. OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

7 Three working groups based on research data life cycle
Creating Data Processing Data Preserving Data Sarah Jones - UK Ellen Leenarts – Netherlands Marjan Grootveld - Netherlands Niamh Brennan - Ireland Frank Manista – UK Gultekin Gurdal - Turkey Gerda McNeill - Austria Ashling Hayes - Ireland Emilie Hermans - Belgium Marina Angelaki - Greece Jessica Rex / Lena Dreher - Germany Olivia Kaiser - Austria Ieva Ceseviciute - Lithuania Elli Papadoupoulou - Greece Tiiu Tarkpea - Estonia Emma Lazzeri - Italy Pauli Assinen - Finland Judit Fazekas-Paragh - Hungary Jens Aasheim - Norway Gintare Tautkeviciene - Lithuania Venkat Shanmugasundaram -UK Paolo Budroni - Austria Asger Væring Larsen - Denmark Paula Cristina Marinho Moura - Portugal Iryna Kuchma Susanne Blumesberger - Austria OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

8 Survey (19 responses from 14 organisations): Training materials – demand
OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

9 From the survey: overview of training materials used
Links to guidance web pages Often in languages other than English Mention of support and workshops Links to training materials The subgroups discussed expertise/materials gaps and addressed them From input and desk research: overview of train the trainer recources Both combined in one draft overview OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

10 Inventory: Train the trainer resources
Train the trainer resources - Overview of research data management (RDM) training materials for NOADs and recommended by NOADs  Draft 11 January 2018 – Taskforce RDM & Ellen Leenarts OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

11 Creating data – plans and outcomes
Focusing effort on costing RDM and data aspects of grant proposals FAQ on RDM aspects of grant proposals – ready for review BPNl70iiQ2yQX5Vge2nXsLe8px6gajbfELJdtEDHw0/edit#heading=h.zc5aduauvwi3 Authors: Emma Lazzeri & Gerda McNeill  Collecting examples of costs from DMPs, repository charges and funder guidelines Authors: Sarah Jones, Ieva Ceseviciute, Jens Aasheim Intend to add to body of example DMPs and provide worked examples and case studies on costs OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

12 Processing data – plans and outcomes
Webinar ‘Advise on (technical) data security’. Outcome: OpenAIRE - EOSC-hub webinar “Data Privacy and Sensitive Data Services”, 6 December 2018,   Speakers: Iryna Kuchma (OpenAIRE), Gergely Sipos (EOSC-Hub, EGI Foundation), Elli Papadopoulou (OpenAIRE) and Abdulrahman Azab (EOSC-Hub, University of Oslo).  Blog about electronic lab notebooks. Outcome: Electronic Lab Notebooks, should you go ‘e’?, by Paula Maria Martinez Lavanchy and Asger Væring Larsen Webinar on PIDS. Outcome: Joint FREYA - OpenAIRE webinar: New developments in the field of Persistent Identifiers, 10 January See: webinar-freya-and-openaire-new-developments-in-the-field-of-persistent-identifiers Speakers: Iryna Kuchma (OpenAIRE), Ketil Koop-Jakobsen and Amir Aryani (FREYA)  OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

13 OpenAIRE-Advance GA | 15 - 17 Jan 2019

14 Preserving data: plans and outcomes
Planning: Online guides on 5 topics: Trustworthy repositories. Outcome: ‘How to find a trustworthy repository for your data’ written by Marjan Grootveld and Gültekin Gurdal: File formats for preservation. Outcome: ‘Data formats for preservation’ written by Paula Christina Marinho Moura and Venkat Shanmugasundaram: Raw data and versioning: also written by Venkat and Paula, in review process Sensitive data: written by Emilie Hermans and Olivia Kaiser, reviewed, final edits before publishing Non-digital data: written by Judit Fazekas-Paragh and Venkat Shanmugasundaram, reviewed, final edits before publishing OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019


16 Meetings with WP4 Regular meetings with WP4 on support and training
Share details of materials under development and forthcoming events Our outputs act as inputs for training and how-to guides WP4 is responsible for putting the outputs on the website OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

17 What comes next? It’s up to you!
Choice CC-BY by Billie Grace Ward OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

18 Tomorrow, 11:30-12:30… Review the training materials inventory
Consider the original survey outcomes Discuss what progress has been made Brainstorm new deliverables Set priorities OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

19 Questions for discussion
Should we continue with the original 3 groups? Or… Giving access to data Generic RDM support What are your needs? What gaps do you see? Which ideas should be prioritised? Who wants to contribute to what? Reassign groups (tbd) OpenAIRE-Advance GA | Jan 2019

20 Elly Dijk and Sarah Jones

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