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A Little Extra Help for the HSA

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Presentation on theme: "A Little Extra Help for the HSA"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Little Extra Help for the HSA
Literary Terms A Little Extra Help for the HSA

2 Irony Irony of Situation-the result is the opposite of what is expected A heart doctor dies of a heart attack Verbal Irony-saying the opposite of what is meant Nice hair today!

3 Metaphor Comparing two unlike things without using like or as
He is a mountain of a man

4 Simile Comparing two unlike things using like or as
He is as big as a mountain

5 Personification When something is given human characteristics
Justice is blind How can justice be blind when it has no eyes?

6 Spatial Order relating to space Where things are within a
space or area Ex. the furthest away

7 Hyperbole An exaggeration (make more noticeable)
He is the cutest guy in the whole wide world.

8 Oxymoron Combining opposite terms Examples: Jumbo shrimp Cold fire
How can a fire be cold?

9 Onomatopoeia Words make the sounds it represents Examples: Roar Buzz

10 Flashback A interruption of the action of a story to show something that happened in the past. For example when Katniss remembers her father being blown up in the mine.

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