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“Keeping it Classy” How to BEE Professional

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Presentation on theme: "“Keeping it Classy” How to BEE Professional"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Keeping it Classy” How to BEE Professional
District Convention 2015 Sona Senapati Communications & Marketing Chair Ashley Chen D06N Lt. Governor Vince Nguyen D35W Lt. Governor How to BEE Professional

2 What is professionalism?
The standing practice of displaying yourself to others in a presentable manner Distinguishing yourself apart from other individuals with polite etiquette, proper language, exceptional behavior, and appropriate attire BEEing a Key Clubber!

3 Proper language Think before you speak and act!
Avoid using slang terms and profanity Know your audience Give correct information Be mindful of your word choice Connotation Proper grammar & spelling Take advantage of that red underline There is a difference between… “Good morning, Governor Jacqueline” AND “Aye yo, DGOV, what up!?!”

4 Proper language Make yourself presentable in all your communications
Social Media – BEE tasteful! Respect those around you Adults / Chaperones / Kiwanians Key Club members BEE on time! Submissions Attendance

5 Working with your peers
Be respectful of everyone Value the time of those you work with Try to understand the situation/position of those around you before you make judgments Family first!

6 Romance in the work place
Do your best to avoid becoming involved in romantic relationships in the workplace They can become messy and affect others If you do happen to become involved, maintain a sense of professionalism at all times If a conflict arises, don’t let it affect your performance as an officer or Key Club member Remember: your fellow officers ARE your coworkers!

7 Appropriate attire What you wear must comply with the specified dress code As leaders, it is expected to dress at the highest level ̶ Dress to impress! B U I S N E S S C A S U A L

8 “Business” Slacks and Skirts
Skirts must be at an appropriate length (below your fingertips) Dress shirts Dress shoes No jeans No sandals See those beeautiful smiling cows?

9 “Casual” Wear to: Key Club t-shirts Jeans Tennis Shoes
No socks with sandals No sagging Wear to: Key Club Socials Service Events School

10 Communication What is effective communication?
Being inclusive & concise Thorough (hits all points) Professional Produces desired or intended results

11 On the Phone Be prepared with what you have to say before making the call Find a quiet place, with no noisy backgrounds Speak clearly & slowly Give your full attention at all times. Be patient and polite Do not call later than 9 P.M.

12 Etiquette Salutations: Address the person you are exchanging correspondence with - this is just a common courtesy State your business: Include your reason for contacting someone in all your s, in addition to explaining any and all attachments Remember to do this in a professional manner

13 If a response is needed in the next 4 weeks or more: "Thank you again for your time and I look forward to working with you in the future." If a response is needed in the next 2-3 weeks: "I look forward to your timely response." If a response is needed in the next 5-7 days: "Please get back to me sometime this week."

14 Use slang words: Type like the leader you are. We are professionals
Do not do these! Use slang words: Type like the leader you are. We are professionals Type like this: "yO hOmIez!!! WH3R3Z U A7 D03!?2112!!?!!? G1mm3 dat rostaaa!!!!!" Type so that you are understood Be invective: No matter what, be kind, respectful, and considerate

15 Verbal Communication Be courteous about the opinions of others – listen to what they have to say Do not interrupt No talking behind anyone’s back Do not be rude

16 Public Speaking Be clear and try not to stutter Prepare and practice
Avoid excessive movement Have a strong and confident voice Keep eye contact with everyone in the room

17 Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it! ? ?

18 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Sona Senapati – Communications & Marketing Chair Ashley Chen – D06N Lt. Governor Vince Nguyen – D35W Lt. Governor 14-15

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