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CS533 Concepts of Operating Systems Class 15

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1 CS533 Concepts of Operating Systems Class 15

2 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems
Questions What is the difference between full virtualization and paravirtualization? Is Mach’s trampoline mechanism an example of virtualization? Is Disco a micro-kernel? Is Xen a micro-kernel? At what granularity are operating systems modularized? Does Xen use colocation? If so how does it ensure safety? Is virtualization a sandboxing technique? Is virtualization a way of doing multitasking? How does it differ from conventional multitasking? How do virtualized CPUs differ from threads/processes? CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

3 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems
Questions Are there critical characteristics of the real hardware that are hidden by virtualization? If so, what are they? Why is it difficult to virtualize the x86? What aspect of the x86 helps virtualization? What hardware support would be nice to have? CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

4 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems
Reminder For more information on virtualization do a google search on Xen, VMWare, and Vanderpool Send me a draft of your slides early CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems

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