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Supervised Play session 4

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1 Supervised Play session 4
Systems over 1NT Stayman, transfers and dealing with X

2 Partner opens 1NT What are the principal characteristics of his hand?
12-14 High Card Points Balanced: no singleton 4333 4432 5422 5431 NO 5521 NO 6 card suit NO

3 Responder is in Charge What are we looking for?
Depends on responders hand; High card points held Distribution Game? Slam ? OR Safest part score

4 RHO has not doubled With fewer than 11 HCP and no particular shape (No singleton or void) : PASS With 11+ HCP we want to investigate game ; if partner has 14 HCP we have at least 25 HCP between us – enough for game (ceteris paribus!!) With NO 5(or more) card suit then: Look for a Major suit fit invite game in No Trumps Why investigate Major suit fit first? Scores better Protects against weak doubletons

5 (Jacobi) Transfers The objective is to get the NT bidder to play the contract To give defenders least help To get the first lead into declarer’s tenace(s) (e.g.. AQ KJ). The easy bit: 2D says bid 2H & 2H says bid 2S What does 2C mean? How to transfer into D What does 2S mean? How to transfer into C

6 Suggestions YOU MUST DISCUSS and AGREE your arrangements with Partner!
To get partner to bid Clubs or Diamonds: Bid 2S When he bids Clubs then Pass or Bid Diamonds (Note: there may be another use for 2S see below) You can also use 2S to get partner to tell you the strength of his 1NT. After 1NT, 2S says: bid 2NT with 12/13 or 3C with good 13 or 14. You then Pass or Convert (with a weak hand)

7 Partner doesn’t know If you’ve bid 2s after 1NT, partner doesn’t know whether your bid is a transfer to a minor or a range enquiry AND he must ALERT your 2S bid. With stronger/distributional hands: a transfer to a suit followed by a new suit at the 3 level is forcing; anew suit at the 2 level is not. A transfer followed by 2NT is invitational

8 Stayman There are several variations on Stayman but basically 2C after 1NT asks about 4 card majors. Some players allow for Stayman to be used a s a fit finding bid with relatively weak hands so it is important to agree with partner the min HCP for Stayman. Some play Stayman as non promissory i.e. responder does not promise a 4CMajor.

9 So… Recommend min 11HCP to bid Stayman. Why? What does partner do with
 J4  AKQ8  KJ after 1NTand you bid 2C?

10 As a general rule After 1NT - 2C: Bid 2D with 12/ poor 13 and no 4CM
Bid 3D with good 13 or 14 and no 4CM Bid 3NT if you’ve got 14 and a decent 5 card minor Bid 2H with both majors (4cards) Bid 3H/S with 5 cards and 13/14

11 Opponents X 1NT You must agree:
Do you play transfers? If not, what does a simple suit bid mean? Is XX to play or a wriggle Does P ask partner to XX? Does vulnerability alter the meaning of any of these bids? Whatever you agree, the weaker your hand the more important it is to bid a suit - pressure is now on your LHO.

12 Opponents overcall in a suit
What does a cue bid of the overcall suit mean? What does X mean? What does 2NT mean? If the bid is artificial (e.g.Astro/ Landy etc): Is a suit bid forcing/non forcing or invitational If the overcall suit is a minor does a cue bid become Stayman?

13 INT - P to you 2 1  JT874  Q2  T87  J32  QJT87  KQ7  T  AQJ4 3
 AKQ7  Q4  J3 4  432  85  KQ76  KQ84

14 1NT - P to you 5  A32  QT94  963  852 6  4  T42  AKQJ65  K94 7
 732  64 8  3  QT965  T5  KJ952

15 INT - X - to you 12 9  J4  854  643 Q9732 10  KT5  9652  753
11  K3  K42  JT94  T987 12  Q  J7642  Q8732  76




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