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A New Western Border.

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1 A New Western Border

2 TX and New Mexico Argue Argue over Rio Grand River as the border
Rio Grande flows into New Mexico, it does not end in El Paso Made New Mexico angry Cost them a lot of land

3 Slavery and Territories
U.S. needed a balance between slave states and free states California is a free state, which gives one more free state than slave state Abolitionists want to outlaw slavery in new territories N.M. and Utah want to become states TX is a slave state – America wanted to limits TX borders

4 Fugitive Slave Law help finding runaway slaves Federal law to provide

5 Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay’s idea
California would be admitted as a free state ASAP New Mexico and Utah would be organized into territories Residents would vote on slavery or no slavery Abolished slavery in Washington D.C. TX would give up 40% of its western land and the U.S. would pay $10 million for it

6 Millard Fillmore as President
Becomes President after John Tyler’s death California admitted to the U.S. as a free state New Mexico and Utah became territories Slave trade ended in Washington D.C. but not slavery itself

7 Texas Question TX gave up some territory to New Mexico
Texas receives $10 million Helped free TX from war debts Left over money went to certain programs September 9, 1850 Texas borders are set to their present day place

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