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The Seasons of the Earth

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1 The Seasons of the Earth
SUB- CLIMATEOLOGY & OCEANOGRAPHY CLASS- SYBA(G2) Ganesh R. Jadhav Department of Geography Radhabai Kale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Ahmednagar.

2 Earth’s rotation Causes us to experience day and night.
Earth’s rate of rotation is 150/hr.

3 The earth’s revolution takes 365.25 days or one year.

4 On the equinoxes the day is 12 hours long for all latitudes from the North Pole to the South Pole.

5 On the each solstice, the earth experiences the most extreme conditions. On the poles, either 24 hours of day or 24 hours of night.

6 This is an overhead view of the earth’s orbit
This is an overhead view of the earth’s orbit. Notice that the axis of the earth always point in the same direction, the axis is parallel to itself throughout the orbit.



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