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Crusades Monday 3/18.

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1 Crusades Monday 3/18

2 Objective: you will be able to describe what the Crusades were and the causes of the Crusades through a powerpoint, open notes, and a video. Standard: D. Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the history of the world.

3 K W L Do Now Create a KWL Chart
-In the K column write anything you know about the Crusades -In the W column write down the following questions: Who was the person responsible for the call of a Crusade? Why? What groups of people were involved in the First Crusade? Why did people join the Crusades? Academic Homework: Read 2.4 The Crusades pgs , SQ3R


5 Crusades Definition: a series of 8 Christian military expeditions that aimed to recapture the holy city of Jerusalem , that lasted from AD. -Crusade = Crux (Latin) = cross -To be a “crusader” meant “to take up the cross” -Christians sewed symbols of the cross of Christ on to their clothing before going to battle

6 Jerusalem -Jerusalem is the destination of pilgrimages for the
following religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam -It was located in Palestine (the Holy Land): ancient region of southwest Asia, on east coast of the Mediterranean

7 Motivation for the Crusades
To recapture the holy land from Muslims To protect Christians and slow the spread of Islam -Seljuk Turks, were Muslims who seized control of Jerusalem in 1071 -Their takeover had made Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land almost impossible -Seljuk Turks also begun to attack the Christian Byzantine Empire

8 Claims to the Holy Land- Christians
-Jerusalem was the site of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection -Jerusalem was the home to the original cross and stone of Christ’s tomb -Site of sacred Church of the Holy Sepulchre -Holds variety of Christian shrines

9 Claims to the Holy Land- Muslims
-Qur’an establishes claim that both Jews and Arabs are people of Abraham -Believe God’s gift of Holy Land to Abraham meant for Arabs (first Muslims) too -Site of Muhammad’s ascension into heaven

10 Claims to the Holy Land- Jews
-Torah establishes claim to Holy Land -Believe Holy Land was gift from God to Abraham and Lot -King David brought ark containing original Torah here -Site of King Solomon’s temple

11 The 1st Crusade (or Peasants’ Crusade)
-Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade in 1096 -30,000 European Christians joined the effort -Christians from all classes took up the cross -These people included: Knights, peasants, serfs, artisans, beggers, thieves, tricksters.

12 Reasons why Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade
Threat of Muslim Turks to Byzantine Christian Empire. Urban thought he had responsibility to protect all Christianity. In 1092 the Turkish empire divided/weakened. This was the perfect opportunity to attack. Bishop Clement wanted to be Pope and threatened Pope Urban’s position. Urban believed if he united all Christians in a holy war, no one could challenge his authority. The French population was too small and poor. Thus, the French ruling class were looking for new opportunities in the Holy land to add to their personal fortunes, and to strengthen the power of the monarchy. In 1071, Jerusalem was a dangerous place for Christians. Jerusalem was under the power of Selju Muslims at the time. Pilgrims from Europe were threatened by highway robbers on their pilgrimages.

13 Who fought in the First Crusade?
-Church declared the Peace of God and the Truce of God, proclamations that attempted to curtail killing among Christians, the knights had no place to perform the activity for which they were trained. -Urban hoped to continue to encourage the knightly ethic of chivalry and courage in battle while redirecting the violence towards the non-Christian infidel. -Knights duty to defend the holy city. -The Crusades for peasants provided the chance to escape from their lords who ruled their existence. -Serfs who took the cross were released from their feudal obligations to stay on their land and pay rent to their lord.

14 Road to the Holy Land -It took months of traveling unfamiliar territory and communication was difficult. -Crusaders attacked farmers, looted cottages, and burned wheatfields. -Crusaders were brutal to Jews and killed any and all they could find because Christians blamed Jews as the group responsible for Christ’s crucifixion. -Frightened villagers kept armies away from their homes by poisoning wells and attacking crusader camps.

15 Crusaders Victory -Four armies of crusaders too four different land routes through Europe, meeting and Constantinople and Antioch before reaching Jerusalem. -At Antioch, crusader armies began a siege of the city and on June 3, 1098, they slaughtered all of the Muslims within the city. -Crusaders then fought the Shi’i Fatmid and Sunni Muslims from Egypt. -The Crusaders army was weak and short on money. However, the Muslim governor surrendered to the crusader leader Tancred at Jerusalem. -Muslims, Jews, and children were either killed, sold into slavery, or taken prisoner -Jerusalem was now a feudal kingdom in Christian hands.

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