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How to make training materials discoverable

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1 How to make training materials discoverable
Ellen Leenarts, DANS Based on the work done in WP7 by: Eileen Kühn, KIT Angus White, DCC Rahul Thorat & Jerry de Vries & Cees Hof, DANS OpenAIRE Have a CoP of T Lisbon, 9 October 2018

2 So far… EOSCpilot deliverables (WP7):
D7.1: Skills landscape analysis and competence model D7.2: Interim report and catalogue of EOSC skills training and educational materials D7.3: Skills and Capability Framework EOSCpilot workshops with presentations on FAIR training materials at: EOSCpilot stakeholder forum, EUDAT end conference, IDCC EOSC-hub training catalogue TESS and other aggregators The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

3 FAIR data principles for training materials and events
EOSC training materials and events must be FAIR, i.e. materials and event descriptions must be provided with standard metadata to make them Findable, they must be Accessible from EOSC e-infrastructures, they must be in open standard formats so they are Interoperable with each other and with the data services they are about, and they must be provided on license terms that are as non-restrictive as possible to encourage Reuse. (conclusions EOSCpilot, Deliverable 7.1, p. 10) Why make training materials? EOSCpilot is to develop an EOSC education and training strategy to address the gaps and set up a sustainable technical training infrastructure to ensure shared resources are openly accessible and reusable The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

4 Results from workshop consultations
What should be EOSCs priorities for skills development? Top 3: Catalogue existing provision of training (based on skills framework) Catalogue provision of other skill resources (e.g. guides and handbooks Support train the trainer approaches Also important: Define minimum standards of training Fill gaps by developing and / or commissioning training Less important: Certification & quality control, brokerage, recognition / badges The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

5 Metadata content EOSCpilot D7.2
This list is not domain-specific. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

6 The follow-up in EOSC-hub
D11.1 Training materials about common services and thematic services The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

7 EOSC-hub training portal
Drupal module (in principle start as manual feed) Supports local and Identity Federation mechanism Architecture of the catalogue is based on the EOSCpilot D7.2 Generic material and training material linked to the EOSC service catalogue Two categories: Training material & Training events Manual + guidelines Use of vocabularies, etc. Living supportive documentation… No catalogue of catalogues Catalogue of training materials of EOSC-Hub services Metadata following EOSCpilot Manual input Strong connection to the EOSC service catalogue, parallel growth! Focus on domain agnostic services for the time being Additional metadata: persistent identifier for semi-permanent learning resources: video’s, webinar recordings etc. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

8 Training e-Suport System - ELIXIR
TeSS is based on is based on The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

9 How does it work? TeSS is an aggregator of resources of ELIXIR nodes and 3rd parties It does not hold any training materials. TESS displays training materials and events manual entry and automatic retrieval of metadata using from institutes’ websites using JSON hackatons for institutes to implement The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

10 For discussion… How do you as an infrastructure or you as an institute publish your training events and training materials? Do you share your metadata on training resources with other infrastructures or institutes? What approaches are being used to automate classifying learning resources to create catalogues? How are costs of manually classifying learning resources being monitored? Is there a use case for the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (working body of Dublin Core MI), also based on, to expose learning resource metadata? What do you think of using persistent identifiers for some training materials? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

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