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1 Presentation and APA Essay
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2 Effects of Diabetes Definition
Diabetes is an ailment that arises when the level of blood sugar in an individual increases beyond the normal level. The sugar is generated from foods that we consume. When the body is unable to produce insulin that converts these sugars into fat, the level of sugar in the blood tends to increase by a great scale (Drury, 2016). Diabetes is a long term ailment and thereby I s referred to as a chronic illness since there is no treatment and one is forced to remain with the illness for a long time. By the start of 2015, it was estimated that over three hundred and eighty million people across the world suffered from the ailment. This is an indication that the disease is very common and can cause the death of an individual if not appropriately controlled through medication and diet.

3 Types of Diabetes Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes
In this type of diabetes, the patient’s body does not produce any insulin at all. It is estimated that about 10% of the population suffering from diabetes have this type of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes In this type, the body of the patient does not produce enough insulin that is required to convert the sugar into fat. About 10% of the diabetes cases in the world are in this group. There are also other types of diabetes although most are rare. An example is gestational diabetes that often affects pregnant women before they have given birth.

4 Symptoms of Diabetes Frequent urination Intense thirst Weight gain
Hunger Unusual weight loss Fatigue Cuts and bruises that do not heal Sexual dysfunction These symptoms tend to increase the risk of an individual attracting the ailment. If one is faced by such symptoms, they are supposed to see their physicians as soon as possible.

5 Complications brought by diabetes
Kidney disorders Foot problems Eye diseases Heart attacks Strokes Anxiety Nerve damage (Forst & Kaptiza, 2015) Erectile dysfunction If diabetes is not appropriately managed, an individual may start to observe these complications and this could diminish their quality of life.

6 Causes of Diabetes Inability to produce insulin by the body
Consumption of foods that have very high sugar levels Inability by the liver to break down glucose into fats Hereditary factors Production of very little insulin by the body (Jarrett & Williams, 2014) On many occasions, hereditary factors have also been observed to influence whether one attracts diabetes or not. Failure by the liver to produce enough insulin could also lead to diabetes in a patient.

7 Treatment Options for Type 1 Diabetes
Frequent injections of insulin as recommend by the various medical professionals Normally, one needs to have these injections for the rest of their lives since this type of diabetes starts at an early stage Following a healthy eating plan Being involved in frequent exercises An individual suffering from this type of diabetes may overcome the ailment if they follow the guidelines developed above for the rest of their lives.

8 Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is at times reversible since it is caused by lifestyle where an individual has a poor eating plan Developing a proper and healthy eating plan Being involved in frequent exercises Testing your blood glucose level on numerous occasions to get a picture of the relevant blood sugar level at any given moment In many cases, observing a healthy eating plan can avoid any situation where the patient has to start taking medication when they have type 2 diabetes.

9 Psychological effects of diabetes
Depression Low mood Burnout Fear Anxiety Fear of hypoglycemia Fear of needles Eating issues These effects have the potential to reduce the welfare and well-being of an individual. It is important when one seeks relevant therapy that may help them overcome the medical condition.

10 References Drury, M. I. (2016). Diabetes mellitus. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Forst, T., & Kaptiza, C. (2015). Clinical Advances in Diabetes Mellitus. Profil, Germany : Future Science Ltd. Jarrett, R. J., & Williams, D. R. R. (2014). Diabetes mellitus. London: Croom Helm.

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