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CH 2 GS.

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1 CH 2 GS

2 The first representative assembly in the colonies. In Virginia

3 To cancel, as in the Stamp Act

4 A king or a queen

5 Another name for the representatives 12 of the colonies sent to Philadelphia

6 Group of people in one place who are ruled by a parent country elsewhere

7 Was given the right to ship tea to the colonies without paying most of the taxes usually placed on tea

8 An agreement among a group of people

9 This required colonists to attach expensive tax stamps to all newspapers and legal documents.

10 Theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys

11 Written document granting land and the authority to set up a colonial government

12 A law making body

13 The British legislature

14 Written plan of government set up by the Pilgrims

15 The group of merchants in London who owned Jamestown

16 Stated that Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for the colonies in all cases.

17 Another name for the ‘Intolerable Acts’

18 Wrote that all people should equally enjoy the rights to life, liberty, and property

19 The first battles of the Revolutionary War.

20 To rest on court decisions rather than regulations made by law makers

21 Long and costly war with France that ended in 1763

22 Peaceful transfer of power from James II to William and Mary in England

23 Action in 1773 to protest further taxes on tea.

24 Self reliance and freedom from outside control

25 “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the ___?____ of the ____?____...”

26 Wrote Common Sense

27 First English settlement

28 To refuse to buy

29 Farmer and leader of the rebellion in Massachusetts in 1786, 1787

30 Colonists who settled in the colony of Plymouth

31 The Massachusetts Constitution in 1780 was ratified by who/whom?

32 First colony to organize as a state and create a constitution

33 First constitution of the United States

34 The Articles of Confederation placed most of the nation’s power where?

35 Single branch in the Confederation government?

36 To approve

37 Official document that ended the Revolutionary War with Great Britain

38 A two house legislature is called this

39 Part of a constitution that guarantees certain basic freedoms

40 Name of the King that signed the Magna Carta

41 A group of individuals who band together for a common purpose

42 A one house legislature

43 Detailed written plan of government

44 To change

45 City where 12 delegates were sent to revise the Articles of Confederation

46 Name of the King which was removed by Parliament in 1688 during the Glorious Revolution

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