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Round Table about SuperB CKM06- Nagoya

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1 Round Table about SuperB CKM06- Nagoya
Achille Stocchi LAL-IN2P3-Université Paris Sud PXI

2 SuperB with ≥50ab-1 can perform
g (DK) [a(pp,rp,pp)] 1) measurements related to tree level/ ~tree level sin(2b) (Peng.) 2) measurements very sensitive to NP Physics AFB (Xsl+l-)-s0, ACP (Xsg) LFV t m g 3) several quantities belonging to categories 1) and 2) depending upon precise LCQD calculations Br(B  (r,w),g) 2) Br(B ln), Br(BD*tn) Vub Vcb 1) + charm measurements Several measurements are statistically limited and so it is worthwhile to collect >50ab-1 + Specific run at the U(5S)

3 NP scale at 350 GeV NP at high significance !
Due to the actual disagreement betweenVub and sin2b we see a slight hint of new physics Re (dd13)LL vs Im (dd13)LL superB if disagreement disapper. SM Re (dd13)LL vs Im (dd13)LL with present disagreement NP at high significance ! Constraint from Dmd Constraint from sin2b cos2b Constraint from sin2b All constraints

4 More details for discussion

5 See also talk of M. Yamauchi
Observable CKM (2ab-1) SuperB (50ab-1) Comments sin(2b) (bccs) <1 ° <1° no improvement sin(2b) (Peng.) fK (f0,h’p0)K0 3K ~4° ~(6,3,5)° ~3° <2° ~(2,1,2)° ~1° Globally could be a factor 5 improvement a (pp,rr,rp) 5° -8° g (DK) (5-10)° (1-2)° (Tree decays)GLW+ADS+Dalitz also precisely measured at LHCb Vcb-incl Vcb-excl 1%-1.5% 4% 0.5? 1%? More theo. parameters from data Depends on Lattice B D*tn 10-15% 2-3% SM -senstitive to NP (H±) Vub-incl Vub-excl 10% 2%? Br(B  ln) Br(B m u) 20% visible 8% >5 improprement Lattice is crucial Br(B  (r,w),g) 0.1  10-6 0.03  10-6 |Vtd/Vts| from rg/K*g dep. Lattice Br(B  mm) Br(Bem) 110-8 210-8 not measurable Intersting for MFV – at 2ab-1 off by two order of magnitude.. AFB (Xsl+l-) -s0 AFB (K*l+l-) –s0 ACP (K*l+l-) at high masses 25% 6% 12% 5% 9% [1-1.5]% 2.5% for exclusive modes (and mainly for muons) also precisely measured at LHCb AFB (Xsg) AFB (K*g) [1-2]% 0.65% [0.5-1]% ~0.3% Interesting if s<0.5 (SM) Interesting if s<0.5 (SM) Exclusive modes precisely LHCb NP NP r a d I t v e See also talk of M. Yamauchi

6 Hadronic matrix element
from Sharpe to Lubicz Estimates of error for 2015 2 – 3% 4 - 5% % 11% 3 – 4% ---- 13% 0.5% (5% on 1-) 1.2% (13% on 1-) 2% (21% on 1-) 4% (40% on 1-)  B → D/D*lν 0.5 – 0.8 % (3-4% on ξ-1) % (9-12% on ξ-1) 3% (18% on ξ-1) 5% (26% on ξ-1) ξ 1 – 1.5% 3 - 4% % % 14% fB 1%  0.1% (2.4% on 1-f+) 0.4% (10% on 1-f+) 0.7% (17% on 1-f+) 0.9% (22% on 1-f+) 1-10 PFlop Year 60 TFlop Year 6 TFlop Year Current lattice error Hadronic matrix element

7 UT fit in the SM: 2006 vs. 2015  = 0.163  0.028  = 0.2226  0.0028
 =  0.016  = 

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