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Welcome to the KS1 SATs Meeting

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1 Welcome to the KS1 SATs Meeting
Tuesday 12th Feb 2019 Welcome to the KS1 SATs Meeting

2 Individual children will not be discussed.
Outline of meeting What are SATs? Tasks and tests Teacher assessment Levels Results What you can do to help? Individual children will not be discussed.

3 What are SATs? Year 2 children are assessed in; -Reading -Writing -Mathematics -Science In Year 2 the emphasis is on teacher assessment; the tests support this judgement.

4 How we assess children Teachers must use their knowledge of a pupil’s work over time, taking into account their: written, practical and oral classwork results of the statutory KS1 tests in reading and mathematics If children do not perform to best ability in test, teacher assessment can be used. We do not want children to worry, therefore we keep the tests as relaxed and low key as possible.

5 Testing Assessment Area Reading
Reading paper Paper 1 – Reading prompt and answer booklet Paper 2 – Reading and answer booklet [All] Chn can have no help reading. Writing Grammar, punctuation and spelling This will be taken for a selection of genre of writing. Maths Test paper Paper 1 – Calculating Paper 2 – Reasoning Chn can have help reading questions. Science No set SATs paper

6 Levels Em Dev Sec NSR Working below the expected level
At Holly Lodge we use: Em Dev Sec NSR Em = showing some signs of the expected level Dev = almost at the expected level Sec = has met the expected level NSR = working at greater depth within the expected level National Average for end of Year 2 is Stage 2 Secure. For SATS Working below the expected level Working at the expected level Working at Greater depth within the expected level

7 Not met the expected standard Working at expected levels
Science Not met the expected standard Working at expected levels There is no formal test for science. A level is gathered from children’s work throughout the year. Written evidence Photos Discussions with the child Independent comments child has made

8 Results Results are reported to the LEA.
An overall result will be made available with yearly reports.

9 What can you do to help? Read together every day and ask questions about the story [use questions from sheets in reading record] Practise number bonds and times tables. Use number problems in every day life, at the shops, on the bus, telling the time etc. Continue to work on targets/ areas of improvement. Keep doing more of what you’re already doing, in supporting your child.

10 Reading Mission

11 What can you do to help? - Explicit revision is not necessary.
- Children already familiar with question format through subtle teaching. - We have created a helpful pack of resources you can do with your child. These will be sent out after half term. - Will be sending home a practice reading paper for you to work through together with your child as Easter Home Learning.

12 Thank you for your time Any questions?

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