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The Founding of Rome.

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1 The Founding of Rome



4 Geography of Italy Italy is a peninsula in the center of the Mediterranean. The Apennines mountain range “Backbone of Italy” Doesn’t divide Italy like the mountains in Greece did. The Tiber River River allows them to get to the sea. Being inland keeps them safe from sea threats. Rome was located on seven hills. Easy to defend.

5 The People of Italy There were a few different groups of people living in and around Italy that influenced Roman culture… Latins Lived near Rome. Were herders and farmers. Rome adopts their spoken language Sicilians Mostly Greeks that had migrated to Sicily. Impacted Roman architecture, sculpture, and literature. Rome takes their alphabet Etruscans Had the largest impact on early Rome. Took control of Rome and turned it into a city. Romans adopted Etruscan dress and military organization.

6 Early Roman Social Structure
Rome was divided into two main classes. Patricians Wealthy landowners. Plebeians Less wealthy landowners, small farmers, craftsmen, merchants. The “working class”

7 Early Roman Government
Assemblies Advised the Senate Council of Plebs Plebeian's “voice” Could “veto” legislation by civil disobedience. Consuls Two, elected to one year terms. Led Rome both politically and militarily. Praetors Judicial Branch Enforced the laws. Senate 300, elected. Discussed, passed legislation. Patricians only! REPUBLIC *Form of government in which the people elect representatives to do their will.


9 Early Roman Law The Twelve Tables Created c. 450 B.C.

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