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Graduate Nursing Clinical Placement Process

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1 Graduate Nursing Clinical Placement Process

2 A seven-step process Student enters placement request and clinical clearance items into Inplace UMB faculty/staff review request and clearance items UMB staff enter request into CCP (if site is a CCP site) UMB staff pursues working agreement If placement request, agreement, & clearance items are approved, student completes CCP modules and/or other agency modules UMB sends attestation letter to site UMB sends preceptor letter and approval to student

3 Step 1: Student enters placement request and clinical clearance items into InPlace
How to upload clinical clearance documents How to enter a self placement on InPlace Share screen to demo self-placement input and clearance document input; importance of getting this done early because next steps take a lot of time, last minute requests

4 Step 2: UMB faculty/staff review request and clearance items
Students need to have patience here and check InPlace for updates daily

5 Step 3: UMB staff enter request into CCP (if site is a CCP site)
CCP=Centralized Clinical Placement System (includes many large HCOs in New England states) Sites have different preferences. Some want students to find their own preceptors. Other sites expressly forbid it. If you’re not sure, ask. Your placement is not confirmed until confirmed by CCP (if site is a CCP site) ONLY UMB staff can enter a request into CCP NEVER ASK A SITE TO INPUT YOU INTO CCP!!! Turnaround timeframe: varies greatly, check InPlace daily for updates Students need to have patience here and check InPlace for updates daily Show students list on Bb

6 Step 4: UMB staff pursues working agreement
All sites need to have entered into a working agreement with UMass Boston List of active working agreements available on Grad Blackboard Working agreements do no guarantee a placement Agencies mitigate risks by asking for certain conditions Your clinical placement is not the site’s top priority Sites may decline students at any time; although disruptive, there is no recourse We are VISITORS! No working agreement = no placement Timeframe hours-months, check InPlace daily for updates No way to “expedite” an agreement NEVER GO TO A SITE AND ASK THEM ABOUT AN AGREEMENT!!! Students need to have patience here and check InPlace for updates daily Show working agreement list on Bb

7 Step 5: If placement request and clearance items are approved, student completes CCP modules and/or other agency modules If CCP site is approved, student will need to complete CCP modules CCP modules: Directions to complete CCP modules on Blackboard Other agency modules will be communicated to you via

8 Step 6: UMB sends attestation letter to site
Attests to CPR certification- BLS Health Care Provider level Cleared TB test within 3 months of the clinical start date. Health insurance coverage TDAP Hep B immunizations and positive titer status Varicella immunization or positive titer status MMR immunization or positive titer status Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) check and National Background Check (NBC) University of Massachusetts liability insurance coverage Additional agency requirements (such as CCP module completion, drug screening, etc.) ** even if student is an employee at site, we must still attest that we have cleared all these items, so it’s imperative that student submits all info to us even if employee

9 Step 7: UMB sends preceptor letter and approval to student and preceptor
This, paired with your instructor’s permission, officially marks your “ticket” to start clinical Thanks preceptor on behalf of CNHS Shares with preceptor that you are clinically cleared Provides resources to preceptors Preceptors’ Responsibilities Preceptor Orientation Students’ Responsibilities Short Syllabus Midterm Evaluation   Final Evaluation Preceptor ANCC/AANP Recertification Form  Asks preceptor to send in their CV and Preceptor Agreement

10 FAQ How do I know if I’m clinically cleared?
Check InPlace, anytime anywhere for real-time updates to your clearance status How do I know when I can start clinical? Once you receive a preceptor letter and approval , you are cleared to start. Be sure your instructor has given you permission as well. I am not a MA resident. Why do I need to complete at CORI? We run a National Background check, including a CORI check in MA. This is our mechanism for running a check in MA. I am doing a clinical rotation where I work. Do I still need to submit clearance documents? YES Should I get a placement with a site that is already contracted with UMass Boston? These placements generally have quicker turnaround times, though not necessarily. This is a decision to discuss with your advisor or instructor.

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