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WELCOME BACK! Please read our information sheet carefully to find out what is going on in your child’s class for this term. The team for Indigo Class:

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK! Please read our information sheet carefully to find out what is going on in your child’s class for this term. The team for Indigo Class:"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK! Please read our information sheet carefully to find out what is going on in your child’s class for this term. The team for Indigo Class: Miss Simpson & Miss Davis Clarke. Indigo Class ASSEMBLY We enjoy assemblies every day. Please join us for Awards Assembly every Friday at 2:55pm! We will also be having our class assembly Friday 8th February 2019. P.E. Our PE day this term is Wednesday. It is important that PE kits are in school for these lessons. Please ensure that all items of kit are labelled. OUR NEW TOPIC Our topic this term is ‘Making New Materials’ We are surrounded by amazing materials that can be shaped, combined, condensed, frozen, melted and burned. In this unit, we are going to experiment with different kinds of materials, and become cooks, chemists and creators of new materials. R.E The questions we will be focusing on this term are: Are Sikh stories important today? Do sacred texts have to be ‘true’ to help people understand their religion? Is religion the most important influence and inspiration in everyone’s life? PSHE In PSHE we will be looking at: dreams and goals. HOMEWORK Each week we will provide your child with a homework task related to what we have been focusing on that week in the classroom. Please support your child with homework but please do not do it for them. All homework across the school will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned by Wednesday Key Websites Some helpful websites to visit with your child at home are:

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