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We may even get stressed out about managing stress.

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4 We may even get stressed out about managing stress

5 Instead of thinking about performance…


7 Who believed in you?

8 One of the greatest gifts that we can give to others is to see what they can’t yet see in themselves.

9 Then Fuel that belief until
they own it.

10 Because when you help people realize that they are stronger then they think…. you build self-confidences and experiences to draw upon for the rest of their lives.

11 There are no shoulds… only choices.

12 Two Essentials For Success:
#1: #2: Rapport – whole heartedly vested in their success. Realistically challenging their abilities while giving them the tools to succeed.


14 There is an endless amount of “WARM AND FUZZIES”.



17 And never – ever underestimate the impact that you can make when championing them!

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