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ReTInA Kick-off Meeting 2-3 July, 2009 Budapest

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1 ReTInA Kick-off Meeting 2-3 July, 2009 Budapest
Revitalisation of Traditional Industrial Areas – general approach to WP1 ReTInA Kick-off Meeting 2-3 July, 2009 Budapest

2 General approach to Work Package 1.
As Taskforce Leader in WP1 Csepel has to develop a transnational case study on legal, finance, ownership, management structure aspects of brownfield revitalisation Task requires thorough, well-defined analysis of the aspects concerned

3 Aspects of brownfield revitalisation & Challenges
Legal environment – badly designed legal structure regulation on industrial parks supports only greenfield investments; brownfields cannot fulfil legal reqirements  state-level regulation needs to be modified Inefficient regulatory-financial environment  thorough analysis to identify needs and objectives of enterprises operating at the site  what are their interests? Ownership and management structure  existing structure unsatisfactory, does not cover all the owners’ interests  new management structure required

Attila Kovács EU Coordinator Municipality of Budapest 21st District – Csepel

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