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Presentation on theme: "05/06/2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 05/06/2019

2 Agenda Background on RDA Plenaries Themes Main Plenary components
Committees Technical Requirements Other Financial Considerations Announcing P7 in San Diego

3 Plenaries to date …

4 Main Plenary Programme
“Usual schedule”: 3 plenary sessions ( minutes) 8 parallel session slots (up to 12 parallel breakouts) – 90 minutes each Cocktail & Dinner networking opportunities Poster session Early Career visibility opportunities “Governance” meetings: Council, OAB (open & closed ) Responsibility: RDA & TAB & PC Management: Google matrix shared Scheduling App: identify a suitable one

5 Include the Canadian elements to the programme
Programme Elements Keynote presentations with scientific or socio economic focus of relevance to RDA (maximum 3) lasting 45 minutes maximum Panel session (60 minutes) focusing on RDA regional government representation RDA output & adoption highlights (number and duration based on Recommendations & being showcased at the time of the plenary in question) RDA Business: report to members from Secretariat, TAB, OAB & Council (30 minutes) Joint WG / IG plenary sessions (45-60 minutes) Future plenary announcements (10 minutes per plenary) & Closing remarks (20 minutes) in the Final closing Plenary session Include the Canadian elements to the programme

6 Meeting Room Requirements for 19-21 sept 2017
1 large plenary (at least 500 participants) which can be used for at least 12 parallel breakout meeting rooms of different sizes (20-50 and participants per meeting) for a total of 8 breakouts over 3 days At least 3-4 board rooms for people registration area, Poster, exhibition & demo areas Catering & networking facilities Where possible the posters, demos etc. should be located in the central networking areas ensuring maximum visibility & an opportunity to meet and interact. 05/06/2019

7 Meeting Room Requirements for 18 Sept 2017
3-4 meeting rooms with different capacities should be available for 1-2 days before the plenary meeting for RDA meetings for RDA coordination meetings RDA for Newcomers participants – 2 hours RDA Funders Forum – 40 participants – 4 hours RDA TAB / Group Chairs – 100 participants – 4 hours 05/06/2019

8 Programme Committee Composition & Expected Role
Responsibilities Local dignitaries Keynotes & Panel for the Opening session Midday keynote - to be decided (similar to Plenary 7) Final call on the collocated events (first screening done by the Organising committee) PC Members: Frédéric Bouchard (Co-chair), Université de Montréal Hilary Hanahoe (Co-chair), RDA Mark Leggott, Research Data Canada Mark Parsons, RDA P11 representative (when identified) …..

9 Organising Committee Local Chair – Nao? Hilary Hanahoe (Co-chair) - Rainer Stotzka (TAB) – Scheduling Timea Biro - Web Platform ….

10 Meetings Programme Committee Establish a bi-monthly schedule
Weekly in January & February 2016 Organising Committee 1st meeting in March & establish a bi-monthly schedule Weekly from January & February 2016

11 WiFi A stable, reliable and robust internet service is required. It should have multiple access points and be able to support at least 2 devices per participant and coverage should be throughout ALL conference facilities / venues. 500 attendees * 3 Wireless Devices/attendee = 1500 * 75% (Wifi on) = 1125 * 50% (concurrent) = 560 concurrent devices Minimum Acceptable per Connection Bandwidth (BW) = 1 Mbps per device => 560 Mbps = total bandwidth consumed if all connected devices were consuming the bandwidth simultaneously

12 Other Technical Requirements
Power Sockets & Charging Stations LCD Projectors & Screens in all rooms Remote Access Facilities?

13 Logistics Accommodation: Provide a list of hotels & (if feasible) agree rates for delegates Social Events: dinner, cocktail, entertainment … Scientific Tours: & academic & industrial organisations Tourism: advice, useful information, maps, etc. Visa: host organisation should issue visa invitation letters & provide information on the web site

14 RDA Plenary 7 Financial Considerations

15 What would you like to discuss?

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