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Dow & PFLAG Uniting for LGBTQ Fairness

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Presentation on theme: "Dow & PFLAG Uniting for LGBTQ Fairness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dow & PFLAG Uniting for LGBTQ Fairness

2 Winning by Uniting Businesses, Allies & Families for LGBTQ Fairness and Equality
Your Presenters Bill Hendrix, Ph.D. Business Partner, Coastal States West, UP and T&O Dow AgroSciences LLC and Diego Miguel Sanchez, APR Director, Advocacy, Policy & Partnerships PFLAG National

3 Ground rules This is a safe space
Be honest about your feelings and thoughts Use “I” statements Maintain the confidentiality of other participants Respect the limited time we have today Keep it relevant and concise Listen generously Please silence all electronics and be present.

4 What you will learn today - Best practices, how to:
Choose optimal ally partners Maximize your business muscle to fortify LGBTQ fairness and equality in key communities Reach and influence elected and appointed officials as business engaged with nonprofit ally partners

5 Participant questions - choosing partners:
Does your business want to or already engage with a nonprofit ally partner? If yes, what does your business seek and/or get from its nonprofit partnerships? If no, what would your business seek and/or get from its nonprofit partnerships?

6 Some corporate & business responses:
Pairing corporate and nonprofit community missions Matching or complementing missions with communities’ equality gaps or needs Communities include corporate, nonprofit and general community stakeholders

7 3 things corporations want from nonprofit partnerships:
Brand values alignment (92%) Measured as most important factor Vetting: “You are the company you keep” Impact and proof (76%) Data showing that partnership made a difference Cataloguing stories that show impact Employee engagement, not limited to ERG (75%) Increased brand awareness Media results

8 The Dow and PFLAG Partnership
Brand values alignment (92%) Align in support of LGBTQ people and their families Focus on treating everyone with equal respect and fairness Impact and proof (76%) Scholarship Program support, STEM prioritization Addition of Allies as qualifying category Employee engagement, not limited to ERG (75%) Corporate partnership raised Dow visibility with PFLAGers Learning partnership delivers culturally intelligent workforce Dow’s LGBT Conference in MI, improving community climates

9 Participant questions - Maximizing business muscle with allies and families for LGBTQ fairness
What assets does your company have of which its most proud? Could or do any of those serve to leverage LGBTQ fairness and equality with allies and families? Which? How do or would you flex those leveragable muscles or build them?

10 Examples of business muscle to leverage for LGBTQ fairness and equality with an ally partner
Current Assets Products Services Employees Supplier network Prospective Assets Consumer confidence if negative news occurs Community forgiveness if there are service glitches or gaps Employee attraction, recruitment, retention and promotion Supplier interest and action

11 Participant questions - Influencing legislators
Do you know of any federal bills that would improve your company’s role as a current or prospective employer? Name or describe some. Does your company operate in any states where equality evades the current slate of state laws? Name or describe some. Would or does your company get involved in pending federal or state legislation that either would help or harm its employees, shareholders or customers who are LGBTQ or their families? Name or describe some some.

12 Dow, PFLAG and government outreach
The ally and family advantage Most people who need to be educated or persuaded are allies, not LGBTQ people themselves The Power is in the Zip Code PFLAG is where Dow is Elected and appointed officials - advocacy vs lobbying Priorities: Federally The Equality Act and states’ gender identity public accommodations access

13 Keys to the castle: How to partner royally
Let’s meet face to face meetings and having key contacts matter Please write home Treat partners like the SEC or your parents Prove your love Do interim check-ins, measurement and progress reports Take time to note milestones and present to each other Adjust to add value; meet management’s desired reporting style and content

14 Resources: Give us your email address, and we’ll send you some
Research studies and reports Published articles Websites of interest Leave your card or us at: Bill Hendrix: Diego Sanchez:

15 Questions, Comments? Thank you.

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