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Kieran Walsh ILO Department of Statistics

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1 Kieran Walsh ILO Department of Statistics
Revision of International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-93) Kieran Walsh ILO Department of Statistics ILO Department of Statistics

2 ICSE-93 Substantive Groups
Background to revision ICSE-93 Substantive Groups

3 ICSE-93 Substantive Groups
Paid employment jobs 1. Employees Self-employment jobs 2. Employers 3. Own-account workers 4. Members of producers’ cooperatives 5. Contributing family workers 6. Workers not classifiable by status

4 Reasons for revision Categories do not provide sufficient information to adequately monitor changes in employment arrangements taking place in many countries increasing uncertainty about the boundary between self-employment and paid employment increased use of ‘dependent’ contractors, short-term and zero hours contracts etc. Need for statistical information to monitor the impact of these arrangements Need for guidance on data collection 19th ICLS Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment an labour underutilization Changed definition of employment New forms of work Strong consensus at the 19th ICLS on the need to revise ICSE-93

5 ICSE-93 Substantive Groups
ICSE-18 conceptual approach ICSE-93 Substantive Groups

6 Classification criteria for ICSE-18
The framework uses two aspects of the work relationship as criteria to differentiate categories of jobs and work activities according to status. type of authority that the worker is able to exercise in relation to the work performed and the type of economic risk to which the worker is exposed. A relatively detailed set of mutually exclusive categories is defined on the basis of these criteria, to form the Classification of Status of Worker. The subset of these categories that relate to employment form the Classification of Status in Employment. ILO Department of Statistics

7 Typologies For many ‘standard’ cases the risk to authority relationship is straightforward – ‘employees’ have low risk and authority, ‘employers and own account workers’ have high risk and authority However some cases not so straightforward This can lead both to misclassification and misinterpretation ILO Department of Statistics

8 Classification of status based on type of Authority/dependency (ICSE-18-A)
Independent workers Employers Employers in corporations Employers in household market enterprises Independent workers without employees Owner-operators of corporations without employees Own-account workers in household market enterprises  Dependent workers Employees Permanent employees Fixed-term employees Casual and short-term employees Paid apprentices, trainees and interns Dependent contractors Contributing family workers

9 Classification of status based on the type of economic Risk (ICSE-18-R)
Workers in employment for profit Employers in household market enterprises Own-account workers in household market enterprises Dependent contractors Contributing family workers Workers in employment for pay Owner-operators of corporations Employers in corporations Owner-operators of corporations without employees Employees Permanent employees Fixed-term employees Casual and short-term employees Paid apprentices, trainees and interns

10 Outline of proposed new standards for statistics on the work relationship
Conceptual framework for statistics on the work relationship defines the key concepts, variables and classification schemes to be included in the standards Classification of Status at Work Extension of the classification of Status in Employment to cover all forms of work, including own-use production work, volunteer work and unpaid trainee work, as well as employment A set of cross-cutting variables More detailed information on the degree of stability and permanence of the work Definitions and categories for types of arrangement that cut across several status categories Important variables in own right In some cases also required to derive status in employment categories Guidance on measurement ILO Department of Statistics

11 ICSaW-18 -Employment -Own-use production work -Unpaid trainee work
I Independent workers 1 Employers 11 Owner-managers of corporations with employees 12 Employers in household market enterprises 13 Employers in own-use production of services 14 Employers in own-use production of goods 15 Volunteers employing others 2 Own-account workers 21 Operators of corporations without employees 22 Own-account workers in household market enterprises 23 Own-account workers in own-use production of services 24 Own-account workers in own-use production of goods 25 Own-account volunteers D Dependent workers 3 Dependent contractors 30 Dependent contractors 4 Employees 41 Permanent employees 42 Fixed-term and seasonal employees 43 Casual and short-term employees 5 Contributing family workers 51 Contributing family workers 52 Family helpers in own-use production of services 53 Family helpers in own-use production of goods 6 Unpaid apprentices, trainees and interns 60 Unpaid apprentices, trainees and interns 7 Dependent volunteers 70 Dependent volunteers 9 Other workers 90 Other workers -Employment -Own-use production work -Unpaid trainee work -Volunteer work -Other work activities 5 Family helpers Measurement frequency for different forms of work may differ and will be based on national priorities ILO Department of Statistics

12 ICSE-93 Substantive Groups
ICSE-18 measurement approach ICSE-93 Substantive Groups

13 Measurement approach background
In parallel with work to develop the concepts ILO has been developing measurement approaches and collaborating on testing Aim is to identify an efficient set of questions which can measure the concepts Using testing to assess impact and ‘quality’ ILO Department of Statistics

14 Three steps structure s STEP 1 Self-identified status in employment
Self-employed - Classification module Contributing family workers - Classification module Employees - Classification module STEP 2 Sub-classification module STEP 3 ILO Department of Statistics

15 Step 2 For self-employed (possibly 4 questions)
Identify if they have employees and are incorporated or not (employer vs own account worker) If not incorporated and no employees, assess if a dependent contractor (different possible approaches) For employees (possibly 3 questions) Identify payment type (wage, salary, profit) Identify responsibility for taxes/social security contributions For CFW (possibly 2 questions) Identify if payment received Identify role in decision making (can be reclassified to employer/own account worker) ILO Department of Statistics

16 Third step Sub-classification modules targeting classified: Employees
Features of the contract (permanent, fixed term, duration) Guarantee of hours (zero hours) ILO Department of Statistics

17 ICSE-18 ILO Department of Statistics

18 Testing (1) Three different operationalization's of dependent contractors have been tested Main client approach (dep_1); Unincorporated enterprise Without employees At lest 75 pct. of the income from one client, and the client(s) control the working time Price control approach (dep_2); Do not control the price setting of the services/goods produced Sharing the profit approach (dep_3); Share the profit/income with a third party ILO Department of Statistics

19 Testing (2) Main results: ILO invite countries to do more tests
Shows questions are generally understood Small overlap between the different approaches Results very sensitive to operational approach chosen => Choice of operationalization will determine the outcome ILO invite countries to do more tests countries can decide on how and what to test, ILO will support and provide input Subjects can include dependent contractors (both among self-employed and employees), zero hours contracts etc. ILO Department of Statistics

20 Next steps Tripartite meeting in February 2018
Additional testing and development work Tests can feed into the review and influence the classification ICLS will take place 10th to 19th October, 2018 in Geneva ILO Department of Statistics

21 Qualification and skills mismatch
ILO Department of Statistics

22 Qualification and experience mismatch of persons in employment
Employed A: Matched by level and field of education and experience training B: Mismatched by level and filed of education and experience Mismatched by level of education Mismatched by field of study Mismatched by years of experience/training Mismatched and searching for another job

23 Skill mismatch of persons in employment
Employed A: Matched by type and level of skills B: Mismatched by type and level of skills Mismatched by job-specific/technical skills Mismatched by basic skills Mismatched by transverable/core/ soft/portable skills Mismatched and searching for another job

24 Qualification and skills mismatch – next steps
Further testing desired Subjective skills mismatch (impact of use of different numbers of questions) Can be linked to the AHM 2022 on skills but useful to have testing during 2018 to influence guidelines for 20th ICLS Reporting to 20th ICLS with draft guidelines ILO Department of Statistics

25 Impact on LFS Will depend on final shape of ICSE
Additional questions should be required Issues of core importance to understanding of the labour market and how it is changing ILO looking for testing partners for ICSE (dependent contractors, zero hours contracts etc) Skills mismatch Volunteer work ILO Department of Statistics

26 Thank you ILO Department of Statistics

27 Classification module for SI Self-employed
Having employees in the reference period (all SI Self-employed) Eneterprise is incorporated or not (all SI Self-employed) ILO Department of Statistics

28 Classification module for SI Self-employed
Option: Control over setting the price for goods or services produced ( Own-account workers in household market enterpises) ILO Department of Statistics

29 Classification module for SI employees
Type of remuneration (all SI employees) Option 1. Responsibility for social insurance or deducting income taxes For this work are you paid.. (Mark all that apply) A wage, salary By piece -Commissions, tips Fee for services Profit Unpaid OR ILO Department of Statistics

30 Classification module for SI- CFW Might be relevant for some countries
Type of remuneration For this work are you paid.. (Mark all that apply) A wage, salary By piece -Commissions, tips Fee for services Profit Unpaid Operational decisions ( Not yet decided) ILO Department of Statistics

31 Sub-classification module for employees
Guaranteed amount of hours (all employees) ILO Department of Statistics

32 Sub-classification module for employees
Employment agreement is open-ended or limited (all employees) The duration of the limited employment (employees with limited contract/agreement) ILO Department of Statistics

33 Dependent contractors
Are characterised by that they have a similar economic risk as independent workers but have less authority They are “dependent, for access to the market, determination of the price for the goods or services produced, raw materials or capital items, or organization of the work, on another economic unit that directly benefits from the work performed by the contractor.” It is an heterogeneous group; some might self-identify themselves as being employees and some as being self-employed ILO Department of Statistics

34 Dependent contractors -three operationalization's
ILO Department of Statistics

35 Overlap -21 pct. of the persons in the main client approach are also captured with the price control approach -And 13 pct. in the price control approach are also captured with the main client approach -Overlap between Price control approch and sharing of profit is larger 66 pct. Capture different respondents with different operationalization's; small overlap in most cases ILO Department of Statistics

36 Register information Industry ILO Department of Statistics

37 Occupation ILO Department of Statistics

38 Other characteristics
Comparison with all unincorporated enterprises without employees Main client approach Higher share of high educated professionals, with a lower working time, slightly less job satisfaction, slightly less turnover. Price control approach Similar education level, longer working hours, are in general satisfied with their job Sharing of profit Higher share of high educated professionals, longer working hours, are more satisfied with their job ILO Department of Statistics

39 Conclusions Numbers are small
The questions are in general perceived well with the exception of “sharing profit with a third party” The questions can be further improved Small overlap between the different approaches Different characteristics in age, educational level, industry, occupation turnover, working time Capture different respondents with different operationalization's The choice of operationalization will determine the outcome ILO Department of Statistics

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