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Final Major Project: Pitch

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1 Final Major Project: Pitch
By Beth-Annie Wreford

2 Outline of Concept For my FMP, I am wanting to create a juxtaposed music video that uses 90% of my own footage, which will feature actors holding up signs (Size A2) that show screenshots of online news or TV news headlines from shocking and serious incidents and events that have happened in the last two years. Examples of these could be Manchester Arena Bombing, Orlando Gay Night Club Shooting, Vegas Concert Shooting, Theresa May Bombs Syria, Orlando HS Shooting, Paris Bombing, etc. The remaining 10% will be made up of archive footage of some negative footage as well as footage of positive outcomes or the start of positivity. The beginnings of light shining in the vast darkness. The song that I am planning to use in this video is Disney’s ”It’s a small World” as I feel that this song will work alongside the footage and cause juxtaposition.

3 Run Time My original idea was to have the music video run for the whole of the song that I am going to use, as it is just over 3 minutes long. However after discussing this with my tutor, about how it could possibly become tedious if I was to use the whole of the song, I have decided to only have the music video be 1 minute 30 seconds and create an experimental music video. I also agreed to this suggestion as I felt that I would struggle to gather enough footage to cover the whole 3+minutes of the song and that 1 minute 30 seconds would be more reasonable and easier to complete.

4 Target Audience I feel that my desired target audience would be from 16-23, and I believe that these are the ages of my target audience due to the fact that many would be in college or in university, in full-time work or have children who are of the ages to be in pre-school, primary school and secondary school. So, long story short by target audience is people in education and parents of young people. Socio-Econimic Status: I believe that my target audience fit into the lower end being in C2, D and E. This means that my target audience consists of working class and lower working class citizens as well as students. Geodemographics: I feel that my target audience are likely to live in either rural or urban places. Cities, small towns, villages and countryside. Psycodemographics: I think that my target audience are a mix of Explorers –people who seek discovery and value difference and adventure- and Aspires- people who seek status, tend to be materialistic and orientated to image and appearance – both most likely teenagers and young adults.

5 Inspiration
I felt very inspired by the short film “The Big Shave” by Martin Scorsese as it uses juxtaposition in the way of showing a man shaving his face whilst looking in the mirror; this then turns bloody and gory when every stroke of his razor causes more and more cuts and blood to appear, this footage teamed with the 1937 recording of Bunny Berigan’s “I Cant Get Started” which is a very soft and smooth jazz sounding piece. This is a good representation of juxtaposition. A music video that I have only just come across recently by the rock band Five Finger Death Punch, really caught my attention due to its content. The video itself shows US veterans that are on the street after coming out of the military. Throughout the video, there are statistics about homeless veterans and statistics that revolve around them in even personal ways. I thought that this video was very fitting to my research.

6 Key Conclusions from Research
Secondary Research: I feel that this research, there could’ve been more of and in a way, could’ve gone more in depth. I believe that I went into depth with what I researched about Rupert Murdoch and how his companies acted towards the public, celebrities and the royal family an how he also allowed one of if not two of his companies to wrongfully involve themselves in a missing person/murder case that happened back in When it came to researching the events that revolve around the headlines that I am showing, I knew that it was something that I had to do in order to have a better understanding of what they were about. I feel that all the research that I have conducted for my Final Major Project, has helped me go in the direction that I had planned originally and has been useful. Primary Research: Due to the lack of responses on my surveys, I felt that there would be no point in uploading that information to my blog as there was not enough evidence that gave informative opinions about music videos, opinions about what’s happening in the world and opinions on school shootings to warrant be using them in my research.

7 Production Schedule First Week in May – Planning and Pre-Production Work and the start of filming as well as gathering screenshots and archive footage for FMP. Second Week in May – Filming and Editing as well as any outstanding referrals and FMP research. Third Week in May – Filming and continued editing as well as any outstanding work. Fourth Week in May – Finish Editing and begin Evaluation. ATTEND ALL MEDIA CLASSES THIS WEEK!

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