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PHY 712 Electrodynamics 9-9:50 AM MWF Olin 105 Plan for Lecture 2:

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1 PHY 712 Electrodynamics 9-9:50 AM MWF Olin 105 Plan for Lecture 2:
Reading: Chapter 1 (especially 1.11) in JDJ; Ewald summation methods Motivation Expression to evaluate the electrostatic energy of an extended periodic system Examples 1/16/2019 PHY 712 Spring Lecture 2

2 1/16/2019 PHY 712 Spring Lecture 2

3 1/16/2019 PHY 712 Spring Lecture 2

4 Ewald summation methods -- motivation
1/16/2019 PHY 712 Spring Lecture 2

5 Evaluation of the electrostatic energy for N point charges:
Ewald summation methods – exact results for periodic systems See lecture notes for details. 1/16/2019 PHY 712 Spring Lecture 2

6 Comment on electrostatic energy evaluation --
Slight digression: Comment on electrostatic energy evaluation -- When the discrete charge distribution becomes a continuous charge density: the electrostatic energy becomes Notice, in this case, it is not possible to exclude the ``self-interaction''. Previous expression can be rewritten in terms of the electrostatic potential or field: 1/16/2019 PHY 712 Spring Lecture 2

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