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2012 Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters State of play November 2011
Jacques Delsalle, DG Environment, Unit D.1 SCG Meeting, Brussels, 8/11/2011
What is the Blueprint? Objective:
A policy response to current and future water challenges at European level to address the implementation issues related to the current EU policy framework with a focus on water quality to develop measures to tackle in particular water availability and water quantity problems The Blueprint will: Look into gaps and shortcomings of the current policy and ways to address them Look at the evolving vulnerability of the water environment to identify measures and tools in several EU policy areas Examine the balance between water demand and supply, taking into account the needs of both human activities and natural ecosystems Explain how the Blueprint objective should be supported by data collection, scientific and technological development Objective: to ensure sufficient supply of good quality water for sustainable and equitable water use
Synthesis of policy recommendations building on on-going assessments
I m p a c t A s s e s s m e n t « Fitness Check» EU water policy instruments Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources Policy Options for action at EU level Nov 2012 Blueprint To Safeguard EU Waters Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation
Synthesis of policy recommendations building on on-going assessments
Better Implementation Better integration Completion « Fitness Check» EU water policy instruments Outlook of sustainability and vulnerability of EU water resources Impact Assessment Policy Options Nov 2012 Blueprint To Safeguard EU Waters Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Report on 2009 River Basin Management Plans Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Review Water Scarcity & Droughts Strategy Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation
State of play Fitness Check
Scenarios and targets for the protection of water resources Policy Options for action at EU level Communication & Stakeholder and Public Consultation
“Fitness Test” EU Water policy framework
Part of European Commission Smart Regulation policy identify excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies and/or obsolete measures which may have appeared over time Objective: Assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the EU freshwater policy. Scope: Water Framework, Groundwater, Priority Substance, Floods, Urban Waste Water and Nitrates Directives + Water Scarcity & Droughts policy Preliminary findings
Next steps 12-weeks public consultation starting soon…
Welcoming specific comments from Member States and SCG stakeholders on preliminary findings Stakeholder workshop in January 2012. The Commission will publish a final report, early 2012.
Impact Assessment Framework
EU policy instruments Key environmental & social variables affecting water resources sensitivity of water resources to changes in key variables Adaptation & mitigation actions B Instrument portfolio Implementation issues Knowledge base Funding Climate change & variability Human population & irrigation requirements Landscape changes Industrial and energy emissions Current measures Costs Effectiveness Co-benefits Measures in the pipeline (RBMP) Integration Critical success factors Additional measures required A The Blueprint impact assessment identify the broad range of pressures on water resources: Organic/Nutrient pollution, dangerous substances Hydromorphology/ Sediments Disruption water cycle, droughts, floods Over-exploitation water resources It will build on the EEA State Of the Environment Report (SOER 2010), complemented by the EEA « State of Water » report to be published at the same time as the Blueprint Cross-sectoral / cross-policies assessment (drivers, responses) Common baseline, medium ( ) and long-term (2050) scenarios, sensitivity analysis. Problem description Identification of the key challenges Which measures are needed as a priority Analysis of the need to act at EU level: policy options Objectives General: A water (and resources) efficient society (link to Europe 2020) Specific: Indicative targets at EU level on natural water retention, water savings, water reuse/recycling, water quality Operational: link to policy options
Scenarios and targets for the protection of water resources
Water resource balances (quantity, quality) for relevant European river basins - SEEAW framework - monthly resolution - ECRINS reference system Disaggregated information on the use of water for the base year by the different economic activities, including estimates on its environmental impact. optimisation model, maximization of net social benefits from the use of water by economic sectors baseline scenario / sensitivity analysis Selection of measures Blueprint Specific Objectives indicative targets at EU level for reducing the vulnerability of water resources Information on technical, non technical or structural measures affecting water availability and water use by the different economic activities, including estimates on their environmental impact. natural water retention, water savings, reuse/recycling water quality Environmental, Social, Economic constraints Scenarios for land-use changes, hydrological parameters and use of water by the different economic activities Water resource balances (quantity, quality) for relevant European river basins within the SEEAW framework at the monthly resolution under ECRINS reference system (as a result of a parallel call for tender [1]) Disaggregated information on the use of water for the base year by the different economic activities, including estimates on the impact on ecological and chemical status, as well as energy consumption, pollutant and greenhouse gases emissions. Information on technical, non technical or structural measures affecting water availability and water use by the different economic activities, including estimates on the impact on biological, chemical and morphological status, as well as energy consumption, pollutant and greenhouse gases emissions. Scenarios for land-use changes, hydrological parameters and use of water by the different economic activities (produced by the JRC Land Use Modelling Platform: EU Clue Scanner / LISFLOOD) including the issues of structural changes in Member States e.g. in the structure and location of population and economic activity. [1] See information on on-going contracts and calls for tender supporting the Blueprint on
Scenarios and Targets: next steps
Contract starting this week Managed by JRC/IES Stakeholder meetings to be organised in Brussels to discuss and obtain feedback on the approach and the first results with focus on socio-economic assessment and prioritization of measures. We would welcome contribution from similar or complementary experiences at national or sectoral level State of play to be presented also at next SCG meeting Meetings would take place in: December 2011 (overall concept), March 2012 (application in pilot basins) June 2012 (draft EU indicative targets) September 2012 (revised targets).
Policy Options Philosophy of intervention Type of Governance
Land-use change Behaviour Change Setting limits Governance Funding Instruments Type of EU Instrument Soft Instruments Regulation Area of intervention Knowledge Innovation
Policy options : next steps
Contract (« Lot B ») started in September 2012 Consortium led by IEEP Discussion paper to be made available end-November Discussion at WD meeting Feedback from SCG Stakeholders « Problem description » step of the Impact Assessment to be completed in January 2012 Public Consultation starting in March 2012 Discussion at 3rd EU Water Conference (24-25 May 2012) 12
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